Monday, January 14, 2008

Am I a 9-11 Truther??

If the answer to that question is, "Someone who questions the government's official story," then the answer is an unqualified YES.

I am a 9-11 Truther.

I believe that the government knows a lot more about the events of 9-11 than what it has been telling us.

Previously I posted the link to a very interesting 9-11 expose', Truth and Lies of 9-11.

Today, I have two more items to share.

One from an American director...

And the other from my other mother country, Japan.


What's interesting about this clip is that we have major figures in the Japanese government, including Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo-Sensei, listening to a pretty thorough presentation concerning 9-11 and the glaring shortcomings to the official story of events that took place at the Pentagon.

Like it or not, we who question the government's fairytale are now the majority of people in this country. And until we have a thorough, no holds barred inquiry that doesn't insult our collective intelligence, the people will continue to have no confidence in the veracity of our government.


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