Monday, December 31, 2007

Random Thoughts.

Welcome back to Kumogakure School!

As of late, your blogger has been thinking and writing about issues of law, equity and justice. Specifically, I have been contrasting the actions of our government against the standard of Natural law, and unsurprisingly, our political class has been found wanting.

In the same vein, we noted that our financial wizards have led the country to the brink of economic ruin, thanks to their unrestrained fraud, and unquenchable greed.

In addition, long time readers know that our women folk have become increasingly crass, vulgar, and violent.

To say nothing of the phenomena of Men failing to do what comes naturally, in other words, LEAD with justice and wisdom, DEFEND the innocent, and PUNISH the guilty. It should be stressed that I am referring to the men in positions of power and authority, not the everyday man who suffers under the unjust laws that politicians and the like have created.

Words such as virtue, justice, order, and righteousness have become like yesterday's garbage; incomprehensible and unintelligible to vast numbers of humanity. Men and women alike have quite literally sold their souls in the quest for material things that will crumble and disintegrate, or for worthless paper money that has no intrinsic value. The rejection of timeless wisdom in favor of new school "experts" like Dr. Phil is but a symptom of a Merry-Go-Round broke down.

With that being said, I believe it is time for Kumogakure School to shift gears in the near future.

While I will continue to cover the progress of Presidential Candidate Ron Paul from time to time, and while I will blog about financial matters as events dictate, the bulk of my posting will focus on other issues.

Specifically, I will be writing about:

A) The tragic effects of feminism on the Black community,

B) The wisdom of the Ancients and how this can be applied to our present day situation,

C) The importance of Men and Male Headship,

D) The necessity of going with the flow.

I believe that next year will be a very turbulent one; so why put yourself in a position to be carried off in the floodwaters? Massive change is coming, and Men of Tomorrow such as ourselves need to be able to go Ghost at a moment's notice.

On the ideal of Male Headship:

I am a Classical Liberal in political philosophy, but not a strict one. While I believe that everyone, man, woman and child has Natural, Inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by Man nor government, I also believe that, in the Confucian sense, that Law is the lowest level of virtue.

It should be a basic understanding that all people are entitled to certain rights and liberties, and that all people have responsibilities that come with those rights. But this understanding is not the end all and be all of human civilization.

(Kemetian Goddess Ma'at.)

In recent times, I strive to understand the ethics of my ancient fathers, the most important of which is the Law of Ma'at.

As I learn more, I will comment upon it with more authority. All I can say at this point is that Ma'at represents Truth, Justice and Order on a cosmic scale. All beings, even kings and deities, must obey the law of Ma'at. The implications are obvious: those civilizations that do not live in accordance with the Universal Law are doomed to failure.

One of the conclusions one can draw from observing the workings of nature and man is that Male Headship is an essential component of a healthy and functional society. A culture, such as our modern day Matriarchal system founded on lies, untruths, and corruption is obviously suppressing the healthy expression of the Male lifegiving principle, an aspect of this life force known to the Greeks as Thumos.

Some might be wondering at this point, how can your Classical Liberalism co-exist with your beliefs on Male Headship? Don't the two philosophies contradict each other?

Not at all.

Firstly, in the ideal state, human beings, of legal age and of sound mind and body, with their equal right to enter into the marriage contract, have the right and the responsibility to negotiate and agree to the form of marital relationship that each party desires. And, in the interests of social stability, fairness and justice, once the parties have agreed to the terms of their arrangement (including their terms of separation if divorce should occur), then their contract becomes EQUALLY BINDING ON ALL PARTIES. Once the bargain has been agreed to, let it be done forever.

Secondly, it is my view that, more often than not, a woman will desire a man that is able to lead with Justice, Wisdom, and Compassion. In most cases, women want a man they can look up to, that has a backbone, and is Manly in thought and deed.

It is a mistake, however, to say that all men are or will be the more "dominant" party in the marriage, as there are some women out there who would prefer to either wear the pants in their relationship, or not marry at all. Manliness and femininity are not static, but exist on a sliding scale from Most to Least.

The fact of the matter is that men and women are quite different in their needs, wants and desires. To proclaim that all men and women should be absolutely equal in all aspects at all times is a foolish idea that doesn't measure up to the (scientifically verified) reality.

So then, instead of a cookie cutter model where social roles are rigidly defined, and marriage is a compulsory and arranged affair, the choice should be left to the individual if they are going to marry or not, and what kind of dynamics the relationship is going to have before the marriage takes place.

It should be noted that I am not opposed to "matchmaking" so long as all parties are free from coercion or force, nor am I opposed to people advocating that Male Headship is the preferred pattern, as history has proven overwhelmingly that "Man-as-Leader" role is far superior to any over variation. The institution of traditional polygamous and monogamous marriage as can be found in history itself is far superior to any other societal arrangement [a][b][c].

No Matriarchal power has successfully withstood the test of time, whereas the "Patriarchal" model has outlasted any other configuration. But again, the ultimate choice should belong to the parties involved, and the wise ruler protects the rights of individuals to make those choices. This policy prevents resentment on the part of those who wish to Go Thier Own Way.

However, if left alone, the vast majority of people make the most sensible choices. Feminists themselves recognize this when this statement was made:

"Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." -- Vivian Gornick, feminist author, University of Illinois, The Daily Illini, April 25, 1981.

A "Free Market" approach to marriage is the best of all possible worlds. People would be able to choose and freely negotiate [1][2] the kind of relationship they desired, and at the same time, binding, enforceable marriage contracts would protect both parties in the event of marital difficulties.

Governments should not be issuing marriage licenses, nor should it do harm to the institution of marriage itself, and it most certainly should not be funding divorce in order to fatten public treasuries!

The only proper roles of government are to enforce marriage contracts negotiated in good faith, protect children and minors from predatory individuals and punish those found guilty of such behavior, investigate, try, and upon conviction in a fair trial with all the constitutional protections afforded to defendants, punish persons for crimes committed against household members, and uphold the rights of individuals to enter into the marriage contract of their choice, within the bounds of decency and common sense.

Above all, government must uphold the principles of Truth, Justice, and Order. Without these, society descends into chaos, and NO ONE is better off as a result.

I'll close here for now. But in the meantime, please check out the Excellent Marriage Bliss blog. The author has laid out many of these principles beautifully.

In future posts, I plan on speaking about these concepts in more detail. Using the ideals of Natural Rights and Equality under the law as our base, we can explore the higher realms of man, woman, marriage, and society, and how we can work towards the true harmony and peace that enlightened cultures of the ancient past enjoyed.

While I don't pretend to have all the answers, I believe that the time is long overdue for our culture to have this discussion, no matter how taboo it may be. We in our era have managed to achieve fleeting material and technological prowess. However, when it comes to human interaction, We've only taken baby steps. We have a great many spiritual crutches such as feminism, misandry, racism, misunderstandings about the nature of God and the Universe, and get-something-for-nothing-ism that still hold us back.

Much to learn, we still have.

Kumo out.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. What is "D) The necessity of going with the flow. "about?

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Kirigakure said...

Exactly that!

I'll elaborate later on, but I believe that next year is one in which it's better for Men to lay low, due to massive amounts of upheaval that may come our way.

But no worries, I plan on touching on that later.