Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hot Flixx: An Evening With Lloyd Pye.

Check it out here.

An interesting video that challenges the Orthodoxy that Human Beings evolved from Apes, and suggests that Humanity could have been created by Extra-Terrestrial makers.

As usual, please watch critically. For starters, the speaker suggests that civilization began with the Sumerians (video time 59:06), a statement that is not true, as the Nubians and the Kemetians (Egyptians) were an old civilzation when Sumeria was young (see: Africans Who Wrote the Bible, Ancient Egypt Light of the World, Egypt Revisited, African Origins of the Major Western Religions, The Bible Myth, [A], [B]).

The idea that Evolution is a fraud is one I totally agree with; and it should also be noted, for the record, that I do not believe that Men are being controlled in secret by Alien creatures. Human Beings are truly the sons of God, the unfathomable and the most sublime.

However, the theory of other-worldly beginnings is an intriguing one, and there are arguments one could make one way or the other. If such entities exist, I wouldn't be greatly surprised.

However, I leave that argument to others, as I will not be discussing such things here at Kumogakure School. I believe that it is a distraction from the real problems at hand, feminism, globalism, and elitism.

On the idea of Evolution as fraud, the Judaic site Simple to Remember has a ton of articles and media that make the case for an Intelligent Creator. In addition, the Christian site Adullam Films explores Darwinism and gives proofs and evidence to debunk the theory.

Darwinism, especially Social Darwinism, is dangerous to the Rights of Man, for several reasons.

As an example, I recently debated various issues with a feminist classmate of mine, and she proceeded to tell me that people were nothing but animals.

I told her strongly that Men are not animals, but that we are something else entirely. Put simply, if humans are descended from animals, then no human being is entitled to Natural Rights, a concept based on the fact that all human beings are endowed with inalienable rights from his Creator.

And if it is true that people are merely evolved apes, then we have no Natural Rights that any government is bound to respect. Hence, government is free to control, reshape, or reform its populace as it sees fit, by any means necessary, as seen in Communist and Marxist regimes throughout time and space.

And it should be pointed out that Social Darwinism was a major influence on the Eugenics school.

So then, I would label myself as a Creationist. I believe that, in the Kemetic tradition, that God created man, and therefore, he has rights and responsibilities that are to be absolutely respected, including the right to be a Man, a father, and a teacher to his own flesh and blood.

According to Obsidian Magazine, in reference to the Supreme Being:

Who is this Creator? In the ancient texts, we learn that Netjer (God) is inherently beyond our comprehension:

God is a master craftsman,
yet none can draw the lines of His person.
Fair features first came into being
In the hushed dark where He mused alone;
He forged His own figure there,
Hammered His likeness out of Himself—
All powerful one (yet kindly),
Whose heart would lie open to men.3

In closing, let it be known that I reject the idea that Men are nothing more than animals. He has been fashioned by God (who or whatever He is), and as a child of God, has rights and responsibilities that are in force at all times, and can never be legislated away by any man or woman.

Those who deny this truth do so at the risk of their own destruction. The Natural Laws of God will not be mocked!

Kumo of Waset.


Anonymous said...

cool that you checked it out. why are you talking to feminists though - they are not worthy of your attention!!

Kirigakure said...

"why are you talking to feminists though - they are not worthy of your attention!!"

Haha, yes, it's easy to think like that but, in politics, I believe it's important to keep bridges open to the other side.

And, I believe that after I broke it down to this girl (I advised her to read Plato's Republic Book V to find out what the feminists and company have in store for her and her fellow woman), I think I may have turned her back to the Light Side!

Because, all of our words and actions have consequences. If I can bring one feminist over to our side, then I consider that a job well done.