Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Other Slave Trade.

Check it out.

Slavery is an ancient institution. Most of the world's cultures, at one time or another, were either slaves or slavemasters. It seems that, in all times and all places, some people feel the need to dominate and control others.

It should also be noted that, all throughout history, people have been seized by spectrum of ideologies and crusades that have led to all manner of ignorance, pain, and suffering.

As I look around me, it seems that things haven't changed very much.

I find it ironic that, while feminists do everything they can to destroy the Civilization that has protected women the most, they virtually ignore modern day slavery that has increased in record numbers.

It seems that the new slavemasters didn't get the memo.

Feminists in the West, in all of their misguided zeal, will find themselves in the same predicament as some of their sisters:

Commodities that are ripe for the plundering.





Anonymous said...

I supplied counseling to an estimated 1,600+ divorced men in the 80's. There were two common problems.

First, not seeing their kids when they had done nothing wrong.

Second, problems with child support.

After a time, I realized the modern child support system in the US is slavery, and I mean that in all sincerity. A man has to work for another person with no benefits for his work.

Yeah, we think it's okay because "it's for the kids". Wrong, It is not the kid's money, and Mommy need not account for its use. It is her money.

I encountered women who made teen-age kids go to work to get money for their needs, while Mommy put the c/s money in CD's.

Child support is slavery.

I never heard of an African person who ran down the the beach where the slave ships were loading, and demanded to be put in chains and swept away to work for some fat plantation owner.

Yet, every year millions of men in the Anglosphere do the same thing by getting married.

Anonymous age 66

Kirigakure said...

Powerful stuff.

And all of it truth. And I fear that we are staring slavery right in the face...