Monday, August 18, 2008

Prevent Tyranny: Be a Good Juror! II


I've written about the power of the Jury previously.

This is such an important subject, I wanted to share these two videos, featuring Mr. Red Backman, with you.

Excellent information that every freedom loving citizen needs to know, understand, and put into practice.

In addition, if you haven't done so already, please be sure to read your State and Federal constitutions thoroughly. You may be surprised at what you find.



Elusive Wapiti said...

Ah, Red Beckman. I remember reading his book "Do Unto the IRS As They Would Do Unto You" when I was a teenager. It was arguably the seminal text that got me off the brainwashed wagon.

Seems that the ADL doesn't cotton to him too much, tho.

Kirigakure said...


"Anti-Semite" or not, Mr. Beckman speaks cold hard truth on the videos featured in the post.

And if the ADL opposes lifting an ever increasing tax burden off the people, then they are certainly no friend of mine!