Monday, August 11, 2008

Feminists in Trouble, Part III

Continued from Part II.

International Feminist Imperialism in trouble.

Speaking of massive loans to other nations, the United States depends on multi-billion dollar loans daily just to be able to pay its bills. Indeed, Mr. James Turk of Goldmoney has written a piece proving that, as we speak, foreign central banks are working together to intervene on behalf of the U.S. dollar, in order to drive up its value.

Translation: Our foreign partners are propping the dollar up to prevent it from falling into the abyss. This is why, in my opinion, the oil price has (temporarily) fallen in recent days, the gold price has (temporarily) tanked, and the U.S. dollar has staged a (short lived) Bear Market rally; as the monetary unit is the independent variable, and the commodity price is the dependent variable. In other words, prices are driven by the strength (which is determined by the quantity of money, interest rates, country fundamentals, etc) or weakness of the currency in question.

In my view, Inflation is the debasing of the currency (which leads to higher prices because it takes more money to maintain a given level of purchasing power) and Deflation is the appreciation of a currency (prices fall because it takes less money units to maintain a given level of purchasing power). The central banks of the world are attempting to boost the U.S. Dollar through open market operations that ultimately decrease the supply of dollars, therefore driving up its value… temporarily anyway.

Double Translation: This means that the “Sole remaining superpower” is in fact beholden to foreign nations for its very economic survival. No buying of U.S. Bonds + no helpful currency interventions = higher American interest rates and overall economic destruction.

And this is why I believe that misguided efforts to impose a global feminist world order, through legislative vehicles such as the hated I-VAWA, or through world bodies such as the United Nations [e][f], are doomed in the long term.

To understand why, let’s look at three very important players: China, Saudi Arabia, and India.


India is a nation in the rise. Economic growth has been explosive in the past few years, and millions of people have moved into the middle class. Standards of living are rising, and if the country keeps on its present course, it will become a major power in the decades to come.

Unfortunately, feminists have attempted to strangle the baby in its crib, specifically through the passage of the infamous 498a law.

The rise of feminism in India is no accident, and the goal is NOT the legal and social equality of women. International feminism is an offshoot of a movement to create a worldwide socialist paradise, and to eradicate "Patriarchy" in all its forms.

It goes without saying that, in some places in the world, women are treated horribly. However, I also need to point out that men throughout the world are also horribly oppressed by tyrannical regimes, fanatical theocracies, wars, starvation, slavery... you name it and men are experiencing it. Tragically, the suffering of some women in some areas of the world is being exploited in order to provide political cover to pass legislation that will cripple developing nations, and prevent them from reaching the heights of prosperity on par with developed Western nations.

There are some female activists who are genuinely outraged at the treatment that some women receive in far-away lands, and have nothing to with, or are ignorant of, the wider political objectives of the Organized Political Feminist groups. They do not seek the destruction of the traditional culture; they only want the suffering of others to stop. I can understand those feelings, and, as a world traveler, I have been to places where I could barely contain my shock at some of the things I've seen.

There are some activists who simply want the legal and social equality of men and women, where all have equal rights and not special rights, and where all members of society have the equality of opportunity, and are entitled to reap the rewards of their hard work, and are entitled to be treated fairly as human beings. I sympathize with that viewpoint.

The fact remains, however, that there are significant cultural differences that exist, and these are the fruits of man’s struggle to survive a harsh and unforgiving environment. Many nations have lived longer lives, and undergone significantly more turmoil, than the United States. Many of my foreign friends are naturally amused that we Americans, who have only been in existence for 200+ years, have the audacity to lecture them on how they should live. Most of all, many foreigners resent the United States for interfering in the affairs of other countries, and these interventions are political, they are economic [g][h], they are martial, and increasingly, they are cultural.

No matter how much we disagree with the cultural practices of other nations, so long as they do not affect us within the Sovereign borders of the United States, and so long as they do not directly threaten our national security, then we have to accept the fact that cultures do differ, and solutions to the internal problems of nation X can only be resolved within the cultural framework of country X. If country X embarks on disastrous social policies, such as our own fascination with feminism, then that civilization will either die, or be doomed to eternal backwardness. That is the price nations pay for violating the Universal Laws by which all things are regulated.

Any forcible external insertion of a cultural or religious practice will only lead to resentment and ill-feelings towards the meddling power... and the United States is going to learn how dangerous it is to meddle in the monetary affairs, the political life, and the family matters of foreign nations.

Getting back to India, the Indian family structure is under attack from internationally financed and homegrown feminist organizations. However, unlike the United States where the men were pushed out of their families without much of a struggle, Indian men are beginning their ideological counterattack on feminism NOW.

They aren't sitting around to see if feminism is going to make their lives better, nor are they bowing down to feminist tyranny. They are instead manfully criticizing feminism, via blogs, websites, and demonstrations in the streets.

I am confident that along with the overthrow of Political Feminism that is to come in the United States, the feminists of India will find the wind taken out of their sails as well. And more importantly for our purposes, the men of India will not forget that the feminist virus that infected them came from the West, and will more than likely fight to strengthen their traditional beliefs and practices.

I don't see feminism as having an enduring presence in on the Indian subcontinent. It will be a short, yet eventful blip on the radar screen of one of the most ancient cultures the world has ever seen.


Moving to China, one of the largest financiers of our billion dollar deficits, we find that the Chinese are increasingly concerned about the capital that they have so graciously invested in U.S. government bonds and mortgage backed securities, especially those held in the GSEs.

So much so that they are not above pulling strings behind the scenes to ensure that America actively protects China’s interests, above the interests of the American people. This is a scary development, and as Bloomberg reports, is absolutely taking place today.

What most fail to forget about China is that, while nominally Marxist, the country is no friend of feminism. In a previous post I shared with you the writings of Mr Bryce Christensen:

... For a time, Confucius and his philosophy did appear to have been crushed, pulverized by the communist juggernaut. But by the 1980s, informed observers began to acknowledge “a Confucian revival” within China. That revival has now continued for more than 20 years and shows no signs of abating. Writing in 1995, Columbia scholar William Theodore de Bary marveled at “the stunning reversal of [Communist] party policy,” a reversal evident in the way the Beijing regime was actually “claim[ing] for itself the right to speak for China’s Confucian heritage.”[22] Because of this reversal in official policy, public schools in China have now been teaching Confucianism for over a decade—with the Communist government’s full blessing and support.[23]

Western China-watchers report that “an enormous effort is now underway to make Communist Party officials ponder Confucian classics in party schools.”[24] And these officials do seem to be learning their lessons: the official communist press is now full of articles “quoting tirelessly from the Confucian classics.”[25] President Jiang Zemin himself quotes liberally from The Analects, The Book of Odes, and other Confucian classics in his speeches.[26] The same Communist Party which once ordered its cadres to destroy Confucian shrines has spent millions in recent years to restore those shrines, while spending additional millions to make and distribute municipal banners carrying edifying quotations from the Master Kung...[27]

...What many Western observers seem reluctant to admit is that Asians are rediscovering Confucius not because they want what they see in Western economies and political regimes, but rather because they do not want what they see in the Western society and cultures. To a very significant degree, the Asian turn toward Confucius reflects a turn away from the West and a Western culture perceived as morally corrupt and degenerate. Thus, it is not attraction for what the West has to offer, but rather fear of what the West might be spreading that is most evident in Communist China’s new embrace of Confucianism. In explaining that embrace in 1995, Xinhua expressed deep concerns about “the disappearance of social norms, the death of morals, and the disintegration of traditional values,” serious problems that Xinhua regarded as epidemic in the West and as a looming threat to China unless the Chinese accepted the “good medicine” offered by Confucianism.[59]

The tone is very much the same when Japanese scholar Katsuta Kichitaro declares that “by following the insights of Confucianism, [he and his fellow Asians] can avoid the social catastrophe befalling the West, the result of centuries of individualism and egotism.”[60] Western observer Alfred M. Boll consequently interprets the resurgence of Confucianism as an attempt “to protect [Asian] tradition against perceived detrimental Western influence.”[61] Thus, when Singapore made its turn toward Confucius in the late 1970s, government officials explained that they were doing so “as a means of countering the Western ‘cultural onslaught’ on the young.”[62]

The reaction against the Western “cultural onslaught” and toward Confucianism has often been most pronounced among Asians repulsed by what they see in American culture. Certainly, it is American culture which makes the need for Confucianism particularly clear to Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani. Writing in 1995, Mahbubani painted a very dark picture of American society:

In most Asian eyes [Mahbubani wrote] evidence of real social decay in the United States is clear and palpable. Since 1960, the U.S. population has grown by 41 percent. In the same period, there has been a 560 percent increase in violent crimes, a 419 percent increase in illegitimate births, a 400 percent increase in divorce rates, a 300 percent increase in children living in single-parent homes, a more than 200 percent increase in teenage suicide rates, and a drop of almost 80 points in Scholastic Aptitude scores...[63]

A Damning indictment of the Matriarchal West if I ever saw one. And briefly examining Confucian thoughts on the subject of marriage, we find that:

…For the purposes of discipline within the family, as well as for material support and protection, the woman was counselled to subject herself to the man. In the "Li Ki" it was ordered thus: "The woman follows the man. In her youth she follows her father and elder brother; when married, she follows her husband; when her husband is dead, she follows her son." (Bk. ix., 10.)…

... Mencius thus quotes from the Ritual the instructions which the bride's mother gives her in view of the approaching nuptials: "At the marriage of a young woman, her mother admonishes her, accompanying her to the door on her leaving and cautioning her with these words, 'You are going to your home. You must be respectful. You must be careful. Do not disobey your husband!'" (Bk. iii., pt. ii., c. ii., v. 2.)

Though the Chinese girl was brought up, then as now, with matrimony in view as her goal, and though she was trained with an eye to subjection to her husband in the regulation of the family and to obedience to her husband's mother in the home…

Please keep in mind that this is the briefest of overviews of the Confucian mindset.

Much, much more could be said about the philosophy, which I leave to others. My objective here is to show that there is NO BASIS, and NO LOVE for Western style feminist ideology in China, or anywhere else in Asia, save for those who have been Westernized for multiple generations. There is no tradition of Western style chivalry that has any weight, beyond that which has been absorbed from Western style drama and literature.

In another example to the vast gulf between the feminized West and the Manly East, A Chinese company is sponsoring wife training classes in order to combat the country's growing divorce rate:

Spouse skills course to check high divorce rate
(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-07-22 09:14
Comments(0) PrintMail

A marriage counseling company in Shanghai is to launch a wifely skills training course in an effort to counterbalance soaring divorce rates.

The course organizer has invited professors from the academy of social sciences, psychologists and sociologists to give lectures on moral ethics and human relations, charm and communication skills. Male elites are also invited to talk about their criteria for an ideal wife.

The first course will be free of charge to its 50 or so participants. In view of enthusiastic community feedback, the organizer is devising other courses on being a good husband and making a marriage work.

(Youth Daily)

It should be obvious that there would never be such a course offered in the West. The words "Home Economics" mean nothing to millions of American children these days.

The word “Wife” itself is probably meaningless for 89.897% of Westerners. So much so, that wifely skills, rights, and responsibilities have been largely forgotten.

There is no love for western style Political Feminism in China, a nation that will most likely share Great Power status with India in the decades to come. Indeed, the Chinese will continue to move to protect their cultural purity, and will resist any attempt by the United States, or the United Nations, to impose American style feminist family values. And as America becomes increasingly weaker culturally, politically, and financially, Political Feminists will learn that not all men are as quick to succumb to feminist pollution as Western men turned out to be.

In addition, I expect that an increasing number of counter-cultural movements, based in foreign countries, will begin to aggressively promote staunchly family friendly and anti-feminist cultural values to Westerners within our borders.

Saudi Arabia

Speaking of anti-feminist Jihad, we now turn to Saudi Arabia, another major character in America's passion play.

A leading oil producer, the keeper of the almighty Petrodollar, and promoter of violently anti-feminist Wahhabi [h][i][j] Islam, the Kingdom is another reason why American attempts to feminize the world will ultimately meet with failure.

Through the vehicle of its Sovereign Wealth Fund, Saudi Arabia is making massive purchases of Western assets and resources, as it tries to find productive uses for the billions of dollars it receives for its oil wealth.

I wrote previously on Saudi Arabia, sovereign wealth funds, and the impact it will have on feminism in America and throughout the world. It should be relevant to the conversation at hand, so be sure to check it out.

Saudi Arabia is a country that just doesn't give a shit about feminism.

Women in Saudi can't drive, they can't travel without the permission of their male guardian or relative, can't engage in extra-marital intercourse without tasting the bite of the lash… and you can forget about abortion.

In other words, all of the bad behavior our women are known the world over for is generally illegal, and punishments for disobedience are harsh. On the down side, Saudi Arabian family values are too extreme at times, and the Kingdom is a good example of a society blowing shit out of proportion. In any event, doesn't it sound like a feminist paradise to you??

You bet! And guess what... they are increasing their cultural and religious influence throughout the West. How does that grab ya??

The Muslim world, including Saudi Arabia, is NOT going to lie down and accept American feminist jihad. They will do everything in their considerable power to resist, and, as with China, the declining influence of the United States is not going to help Political Feminism achieve its goals of worldwide hegemony. Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world, through its Wahhabi schools and fundraising organizations, are spreading the deeply Anti-feminist gospel throughout the West.

And men, who are tired of being blamed for all of society’s problems, who are sick of the forced plundering of their children, and who are looking for a philosophy that states, without hesitation, that Men and Manliness are worthwhile, are responding to the call.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the West today, while Christianity, which has capitulated entirely to the feminist onslaught, declines in male membership, and social influence, especially in Europe.

Ironically, many of the new converts to Islam are women, which just goes to show that the majority of women are attracted to strong men and the robust and vibrant energy that only fully engaged men bring to the table, be it art, science, religion, or politics. Women are drawn to this Manly energy, which Islam possesses in excess.

In the absence of a balanced philosophy that upholds and promotes Manly Thumos as something that is positive and worthwhile, and seeks to channel it into creative and positive expression, men and women alike are going to seek out a system (such as Islam) that, while harmful and destructive in the long term, temporarily fulfills deep seated human needs.

When you break it down, the truth is that feminine women (the vast majority of the female population) like masculine men, and they want to be around masculine men, and they want to be acknowledged by masculine men (please see Dr. Louann Brizendine's The Female Brain for scientific evidence that my assertion is the correct one).

This is why today's Western woman prefers thugs and bad boys, as Sergeant Willie P Testifies to in this video piece...

...and this vid by Kobra860 tells us.

This is why today's women like the bad boys, and treat the nice guys with contempt.

This is why some women seek out alternative lifestyles such as Domestic Discipline [1][2] and Taken in Hand.

It's not politically correct, nor is it socially acceptable to say what I am saying. But that doesn't make it any less true. Manliness will not be denied. It can only be repressed, and even then it will express itself in a myriad of ways, most of them destructive in the long run.

Here is the biggest secret never told: WOMEN. HATE. WEAK. MEN. They absolutely hate them, even if they tell you otherwise.

Actions speak much louder than words. And the actions of women over the past 40 years are sending a clear signal: Women hate weak men.

At the same time, the majority of women don't like men who are violent, who break bones and bruise eyes for the fun of it, or men who are likely to hurt their children. That's basic common sense.

But they do crave a man that can provide for them, that can tell them No and Shut the Hell Up when they need it, and who can take charge when it is appropriate.

Women like a man who believes in his own worth, and has the backbone to keep her in check when she gets to acting stupid, and law down the law when it is necessary. Women want a man who can be a leader, a sage, and a scribe, without morphing into a dictator that everyone has to walk on eggshells around. It's a fine art that Men of Old used to pass down to their sons. But, because of feminist family values, these special skills have been lost, to the detriment of society. This is what women complain about when they say that they can't "find any good men."

Due to present day legal and social factors, many Western men have been unwilling or unable to provide that level of intimacy and communication skills that this “keeping yo' woman in check” function requires. It's simply too dangerous to be involved with a woman to that level. Not to mention that there is zero accountability for the gamut of negative behaviors Western women engage in today.

Since Westerners are unable or unwilling to find a Golden Mean in regards to relations between the Sexes, and because modern day family life is so chaotic and lacking in structure (not to mention dangerous for men to enter into), then many Westerners go off to join destructive ideologies such as Wahhabi Islam, that is funded by the same people that we export billions of dollars a year to in exchange for oil.

Ironic, ain't it.


The moral of the story is:

Feminism is a movement that relied upon the good graces, the shortcomings, and the overall ignorance of the Christian West, a land of unrivaled plenty and prosperity. The goal was never about equality, but about a platonic vision of society, where some would be more equal than others.

Now that Political, Organized Feminism has conquered the West, it has set its sights upon the rest of the globe. All cultures will be assimilated into the feminist/socialist/globalist family of immorality.

Or so they thought.

The major players in this world, capitalizing on Western “Something for Nothing”mentality, are well aware of the feminist onslaught, its methods, and its goals, and are moving to check feminist ambitions. They will not be so easily seduced. They will allow what is politically or socially expedient, but no more. And if Bastions of Feminist Orthodoxy, such as the United States and other Western nations attempts to impose a emasculation program upon them, they will simply pull the rug out from under us. Sell a few treasury bonds here, withhold bailout funds for a few struggling Western banks there, withhold a few shipments of oil… you get the idea.

Remember this: The Personal is the Political is the Economic. You best believe that sex, money, and politics go together like white on rice. Fucking with other people's wives and children will result in economic warfare like you wouldn't believe, and is never conducive to favorable business relationships.

And, in the scheme of things, it is in the best interests of the Money Men (at whose feet Political Feminists faithfully sit) to keep the wheels of commerce turning, and to maintain harmonious relations with its trading partners. The interests of their feminist slaves will be put to the back burner. After all, the feminist movement itself was only a means to an end; and not the endgame itself.

Well, Dear Reader, this series has come to its end. This is my reasoning as to why Organized Political Feminism has no future. Feminist ideology itself will never die. History tells us this is true. However, the miraculous run that feminist politics has had in this Country was possible only due to cheap and easy money and credit, cheap and easy resources, expanding economic growth, relative political stability, and a population that was able and willing to consider the idea that women should have political autonomy and superiority.

However, as circumstances change, so will the fortunes of Political Feminism. Everything I have highlighted above is getting ready to shift markedly in the next few years. From the end of cheap money and credit, to the end of easy and cheap oil, to the end of the political stability that these things bring, only a blind, deaf, and dumb man can deny that this golden cocktail the West has been consuming for decades is about to turn into arsenic.

In spite of all of the massive changes that await us, I believe that the portion of humanity (which is considerable) that has experienced the freedom that Classical Liberalism has brought to the world can never go back. Women will not and must not become slaves, chattel, or confined to the domestic sphere once more. It would be a tragic step backwards, in my opinion.

The answer is not to slap racial, ethnic, or gender “tariffs” back onto society. The answer is to allow human beings to make choices, according to their nature, that do not harm or impede the rights and responsibilities of others. And I believe that in a truly free marketplace of lifestyles and options, people will make choices that will not only enrich their own lives, but make the society stronger as a whole.

The solution is to modify and tweak our present Constitutional order to robustly protect the rights, and enforce the responsibilities, that men and women naturally have as children of God the Most High. We need an apparatus that can elevate the societal discourse away from our narrow focus on rights and responsibilities. Everyone is concerned about “My rights” and “what’s in it for me.” This is unsustainable in the long run.

We need to elevate our focus. As Confucianism teaches, the law is the lowest level of virtue. Equality of the Sexes, with equal rights and protections for all, and special rights and privileges for NONE, and the enforcement of the RESPONSIBILITIES that accompany all rights, is a basic, ground level idea that we as a society should have mastered a long time ago. And it is a basic skill that we will need to master if humankind is to work together, survive, and thrive over these upcoming years and decades. Slavery, racism, oppression, corporatism, and exploitation are inefficient when compared to a system that is truly free, truly fair, and has strong institutions to make sure all parties play by the rules.

The religion of feminism is unsustainable. Misandry is doomed to failure. Eventually, both of these popular viewpoints will shrivel and die. So the question becomes, what next? What philosophy will fill the void, after feminism, socialism, corporatism and fascism are discounted as viable political and social ideals?

I believe we need to look back to the past. We need to search all of the texts of wisdom from all eras and all cultures of the world, select those that are the most beneficial to humanity, and profitable for our souls, and make them our own.

We need to fashion laws that are in harmony with the good and noble virtues in human nature, that protect the innocent and punish the guilty, and that are in harmony with the Universal Law that governs creation. We need institutions and systems that uphold and encourage the development of correct and harmonious moral and spiritual attributes in the population at large.

As above, so below.

We need to base our economics on the proven principles that have served human kind well for thousands of years and have enabled us to achieve real growth, and kept harmful political ambitions in check. While most are concerned about the New World Order and plans to introduce a One World Currency, many fail to realize that the world functioned on a global currency for thousands of years; that currency being Gold and Silver.

Look for Gold backed currencies to make a roaring comeback.

At the end of the day, as the Immortal Dr. Ron Paul says, ideas have consequences. We need to open our eyes and understand that the old paradigm is over. We are moving headlong into a new way of doing things, and we need to start debating, as a society, where we are going from here, how can we correct the mistakes of the past, and how can we move towards creating an ideal society that can stand the test of time.

This is possible. My ancestors achieved this, and I am confident we can do the same.

But first, feminism must die. And it makes me smile to know that I will live long enough to see its demise.



Anonymous said...

wow dude you are writing some monster articles. What are you saying about the war? Looks like Russia will be invading many lands. I hope they soon gonna sell US treasuries, then gold will go through the roof and Hank Paulson will jump off the Empire State building!


Kirigakure said...

Russa is the good guy here...

check it out:

This conflict is a farce, as far as I know. I need to do more research before I speak definitively about it.

Get your gold and silver on friend, and stay safe. The whole shit could blow up at any moment.

Anonymous said...

Three great articles.

I hope that everything you say will happen in my lifetime: I want to see feminism die before my very eyes


Anonymous said...

"Russa is the good guy here..."

While I don't know the intricacies of the conflict either, I do know that IF the U.S. has sent a battle group of this magnitude to Iran; then we truly are watching the beginning of WW3.
I was in the Navy and I know we don't need a fleet of that magnitude to lock down Iran, so for us to send that type of force; means that we Expect Russian intervention.
And to challenge Russia while locking down Iran= draft. And while on the topic of a draft, I want it to be known that Obamanation will not be drafting me to fight for a country where dogs have more rights.


Anonymous said...

mates you all forgot about china...they are extremly powerful and will be on Russia's side.

DKSanctuary: If you are gonna do that, then I suggest taking some anti-gun pro-feminist people and the like DOWN with you.

Kumo: Well superficially it looks that way because the US has killed and bullied millions of people in the last years and Russia has been pretty quiet and peaceful. But to me - I see no government on this whole planet which is "good". The last good government was JFK. To me both USA and Russia government are equally evil. But I'm gonna take sides with RUssia because Europe is depending on their gas and oil.

Anonymous said...

China is powerful now and... wise.
They will watch a showdown between Russia and the USA with great interest.
Then once the dust settles and the corpses rot, they will move in and take over without firing a shot. In one single sweep, they will also take Europe which has been pussified beyond recognition and is unable to fight.

This is pretty much in line with China's philosophy and Sun Tzu's teachings.

Then we will have a long reign of peace under China and its patriarchy.

By then, feminism will have turned to ash.


Anonymous said...

The first country for China to take it going to be Australia.

Maybe China is bringing "peace" but they are also bringing totalitarian government. But seeing the decadent(and also totalitarian) nature of the west I think China is the lesser evil. What a sad state of the world.