Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Feminists in Trouble.


In my post Political Feminism: Prognosis Terminal, I wrote:

... Without cheap and plentiful money and credit, ideologies such as feminism that, when explored deeply, go against the most basic and Universal truths of human existence, will simply wither and die, only to be circulated by bitter old women and traitorous manginas who are doomed to live alone on the Upper West Side in a flea-bag motel, surrounded by cats (not that there is anything wrong with cats, by the way. I like cats. I pity them because of the mass numbers of old feminist maids that often choose them as pets. Poor kitties).

Without Government Pimp Protection (GPP), political feminism is doomed. And our upcoming financial Armageddon will ensure that the shrill voices of feminist lobbyists will finally be placed on the back-back-back burner where it belongs damn it!!

While we are going to see many problems in the years to come, one good thing is that the government, and the people, will be forced to choose policies that increase wealth, decrease social expenditures of all kinds, and provide incentives for citizens to work hard, to save, and to invest[a]...

Now some of you might not share my optimism. However, I can assure you that Political Feminism is indeed insolvent, and will be slowly strangulated by the reallocation of precious resources away its Feminist pork. And the cutbacks will come at all levels of society.

As we read at the Global Economic Trend Analysis blog:

... Worried Banks Sharply Reduce Business Loans

The New York Times is reporting Worried Banks Sharply Reduce Business Loans.

Two vital forms of credit used by companies — commercial and industrial loans from banks, and short-term “commercial paper” not backed by collateral — collectively dropped almost 3 percent over the last year, to $3.27 trillion from $3.36 trillion, according to Federal Reserve data. That is the largest annual decline since the credit tightening that began with the last recession, in 2001...

... When Mr. Greenblatt [a business owner seeking a loan to expand his business] called the local branch of Wachovia — the same bank that had been aggressively marketing loans to him for years — he was distressed by the response.

"The exact words were, ‘We’re saying no to almost everybody,’ " Mr. Greenblatt recalled.

We’re Saying No To Almost Everybody

The above sentence is the very epitome of a credit crunch. Banks do not want to lend to all but the most credit worthy borrowers. However, the most credit worthy borrowers have no need to expand in this environment...

Ok... So bank credit is drying up.

But what about corporate sponsorship of feminist tyranny?

Well, it looks like Big Business is in less than a giving mood. According to The Telegraph:

Charities are facing a crisis because they have lost hundreds of millions on the stock market, companies are slashing donations and an increasingly litigious "compensation culture" is imposing extra burdens.

The recent slump in world stock markets has caused increasing reluctance among big companies to donate, particularly in the financial sector, traditionally a generous giver to charitable causes.

One fund-raiser for a charity for the disabled said last night: "There's a very easy answer to the question of whether companies are giving as much as a year ago: no, nothing like. It has tailed off enormously. The big pots of money aren't there any more. Eight hours a day, fund-raisers are trying to get 15 minutes with managing directors and they are getting blanks all the way."

Now, the article above doesn't necessarily mean that feminist fundraising from corporate sponsors is hurting... yet. But it is a good example of the broader trend: Companies are going to think twice about donating to organizations that do nothing to enhance the bottom line. And frankly, I can't think of anything more self defeating than to donate to feminist organizations that seek to increase the cost of doing business exponentially [a][b]!

Nope, for most businesses, refusing to pay the feminist extortion racket would be in their best interests.

Moving to State governments, a vital enforcement arm of the Fempire, they've gotten the memo that their favorite feminist pet projects are going to have to be put on hold for the foreseeable future.

Be sure to listen to today's Diane Rehm show, which focuses on the challenges that State governments face in the fiscal arena. Interestingly enough, one of the guests makes the comment that there will most likely be no new programs implemented, nor will there be expansions of existing programs in the near future.

States, as a consequence of our economic crisis, are being forced to focus on core public goods such as infrastructure, schools, property taxes, and so forth.

Tellingly, not one person mentions feminism, feminists, feminist pork, domestic violence, or any of the idiotic programs that create more problems than they solve (serious students will visit Radar.org for more info on how wasteful these Anti-Family and Anti-Male witch hunts truly are).

So then, if State budgets can't dump craptons of dollars into feminist ratholes, then who else is going to fund their propaganda?

PACs for one, private foundations and organizations for another, and individual donors who care enough to donate to the cause.

Happily, besides feminists and MRAs, no one really gives a shit about feminism, and they are woefully ignorant about the origins and goals of this subversive hate movement. And the Average Joe, who neither knows nor cares about a cult of bitter feminist zombies, sure in the hell isn't gonna open his already threadbare wallet just so he can spare a couple of dimes. Joe and his dame will have much bigger fish to fry when its all said and done.

So, when the chips are down, expect the femms to have to cut back... way back. When the World Turns; and Daddy Government decides to rid itself of his current harem of feminist handmaids, they won't have much of a leg to stand on. At that point, their pet peeves will be gleefully ignored by those in power, just like the Constitutional Rights of We the Masses are today.

I suggest that the woymn get used to it, cause being ignored S.U.C.K.S.

But what about the Federal government? you ask.

Theoretically, they can pump billions of dollars into feminist pork such as VAWA and I-VAWA, if they so desire. However, this trend looks very doubtful, considering the 9 trillion plus dollar debt, the obscene amount of bailouts that are headed our way, and the fact that many trillions of dollars of liabilities remain to be dealt with.

I predict that Political Feminist groups will find themselves increasingly marginalized as other priorities drive government policy. There is no other possible outcome. Feminism, and the economics that it stands for, is a wasteful, inefficient, and useless theology that needs to be discarded, as soon as freaking possible, with extreme prejudice, and muthafuckin' today.

The American people are going to have to re-learn an ancient truth:

There is no basic economic unit and organizational structure on Earth that challenges the efficiencies and wealth creation that the traditional, married family unit has amassed over the thousands of years of human existence. Government and Corporation are functions of a healthy association of familial units; not the other way around.

Political Feminism is dead... it just doesn't know it yet.

Toku out.


Anonymous said...

"So, when the chips are down, expect the femms to have to cut back... way back."

I expect so too. It won't take the average woman long to figure that a man in the house is a greater asset than a Daddy Government that reneges on its promises, stops answering the phone, and no longer puts cheques in the mail. Someone you can wail to is infinitely more valuable to no audience at all.

Hard times are also great times (sure, Dickens said it better). Truth begins to attract a premium. Bull-shit dries up and gets blown away.

Maybe some of those hordes of agro fat chicks might even begin to resemble humans again, once the price of easy food, sitting around doing nothing and riding around in private cars gets beyond their means.

I can at least hope.

Kirigakure said...

There's every reason to be positive friend.

I agree that the "Inflation Diet (less quantity of food per package for a higher price) is going to force a new attitude when it comes to health and such. There are some pretty good articles out there about women who are two poor to eat meat!

Changes are coming, and its up to us to prepare for them.

Going forward, I plan on putting my two cents in on how to do so.

Anonymous said...

Interesting socio-economic theory, I sincerely hope that those hate spewing harridans finally get their comeuppance. Here in the UK, you may know of the chief feminazi Harriet Harman, she is currently our Deputy Prime Minister 2nd in charge of the country politically, she wants to bring in legislation to make it legal for companies to discriminate against men in general. The same distasteful individual is also proposing a piece of legislation that mean that if a woman kills her partner, she can say that she "felt" threatened and will not be charged for murder and thus avoid a life sentance in prison. The UK has turned into a socialist nightmare as all the main political parties are kowtowing to the hatefilled doctrines of second and third wave feminism. Any case keep up the good work and keep on trucking. Djaybeetoo

Anonymous said...

There are two problems. First, most women don't have a husband. It's a fact, hee, hee.

The second problem is, while the defunding of feminist organizations is a nice thing to contemplate, most women are already thoroughly indoctrinated.

I would more expect men to be allowed to starve so women and kiddies, in that order, can still eat well.

So, I think the only real solution is for a lot of women to get a real taste of hunger and cold. I just wrote on another blog about some thoughts I had that a major depression might save this society just as the last depression saved the US from the flapper mentality.

Anonymous age 66

Kirigakure said...


Thanks for the kind words. I've written on past occasions that since feminism is the red headed stepchild of marxist-socialism, it is an economic system in addition to a political one.

And, as history tells us over and over, politics, economics, and finance can often be found in bed together in an incestuous embrace.

The feminists said that the Personal is the Political. A more accurate description is that feminism is the Personal, the Political, and the Economic.

Thanks to the Immortal Eternal Bachelor blogspot, I'm well aware of England's slide into socialist Hell. It has become a Command Economy, in that women command men to fund their own, and their children's self destruction.

However, my main point is that Socialism, as an economic system, is inherently inefficient, and causes a great deal of pain and suffering. It will come to the point where the masses will tire of it and will demand relief.

How long it will take for the West to hit bottom, I can't say. But I can say that current circumstances make it more likely that total collapse occurs sooner, rather than later.

And since feminism is an inferior social and economic construct, the masses will jettison this approach in order to build a better day.

Anon age 66,

Agreed that most Western Women are femi-crazy.

However, if enough pain is applied, even women can and will change their ways. Depression-like conditions never foster feminism for very long, even if it is an official policy of government. People are doing their best to simply survive, and a bankrupt government will not be of much help.

At the end of the day, the only thing that we have is each other. Men and women will be forced, sooner or later, to come to a resolution of this issue.

In the meantime... enlightened men will leave our modern, independent woman to fend for herself. After all, they are big girls who can take care of themselves, without our assistance.

That's the official feminist position right???

Women have the right to be as feminist as they wanna be. And I have the right to ignore them and take care of me and mine.

Anonymous said...

Even if feminism was to magically disappear overnight, its effects will last for several generations: our civilization has been dealt the "kiss of death".

Much sufferings lay ahead, my friend.

I do not expect too much from the future, except pain.

Whatever happens, it is best to prepare for the worst.

I have this nagging suspiscion that what lies ahead is somewhat less tasty than what is now behind. Brace yourselves for a rocky road. Try not to worry too much, but plan carefully.

Vaya con Dios


Kirigakure said...

"Much sufferings lay ahead, my friend.

I do not expect too much from the future, except pain.

Whatever happens, it is best to prepare for the worst."

1000% agreed.

However, life is less painful for those who are prepared, realistic, and have faith in themselves and the Universe.

I'm of the mindset that I am going to prevail, no matter what happens.

That spirit is what the real Togakure School is all about.

Bring on tha pain!!

Anonymous said...

"Bring on tha pain!!"

Indeed!!! I hate the waiting part.

here some nice vidz about gun control. haha ron paul wanting to gun control the police this is gold!!


some music videos with facts