Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Political Feminism: Prognosis Terminal.


I apologize for being slow to post. Yours truly had some PC issues, but Togakure School is up and operational!

To paraphrase a famous author; it is the best of times, it is the worst of times. Actually, many are now beginning to see a shadow of the bad side, and understanding is beginning to dawn upon them that the worst is yet to come.

Naturally, many are fearful. And some have very good reason to be afraid... feminists especially.


Because the tide has turned. Political Feminism, as a sacred cow that must not be questioned, is beginning its downward slide into Hell.

Are men and manliness being slighted and downtrodden each and every day?

Yes it is.

Are men having their children, their livelihood, and their honor ripped from them on a daily basis? Yes they are.

Are very well funded and dedicated feminists manipulating and distorting the law, the truth, and the Constitution of the United States in order to achieve their goals?


So then, why am I so optimistic?

There are a couple reasons.

First and foremost, economic ruination is going to visit the West very soon. As a consequence of our Something-For-Nothing mentality, and our perversion of monetary, fiscal, and financial policy, we are going to witness a Depression that will bring untold suffering to the millions who are not prepared. To find out why our economic decline is a done deal, please read the excellent works of Deepcaster, The International Forecaster, Ty Andros, Mish Shedlock, the Honorable Ron Paul, and John Williams.

If you take the time (which I highly suggest you do) and read what these men have to say, then you will know all you need to know about our coming collapse.

What does this have to do with feminism? You ask.

Firstly, we must understand that feminism is not about equality between the sexes. It is about domination masquerading under the sheep's clothing of (classical) liberalism [1][2]. It talks a good game about equality, but the Matriarchal regime that has arisen is one of the most politically repressive of all, for men as well as for women.

Secondly, feminism does not support the position that women should have equal opportunity, nor economic freedom, that is earned without taking, by the force of law, from others. Indeed, feminism is the kissing cousin of socialism and its command economic structure. Men are commanded to give unto women, no matter how evil, fraudulent, or undeserving the woman or her actions may be.

The fact of the matter is that feminism is a whore that plys her trade in the brothel provided to her by Big Daddy Government. It is a function of cheap and easy money and credit, something that our fiat monetary system provides in spades, as we can see with Federal funding of family breakup, and our notoriously unconstitutional Violence Against Women Act.

Feminist groups have received obscene sums of counterfeited money and credit, thanks to our privately owned Central Bank [1][2][3], and our Congress that borrows money from it in order to throw it away on misguided legislation such as VAWA and other equally stupid laws and programs.


That includes feminist pork. Without cheap and plentiful money and credit, ideologies such as feminism that, when explored deeply, go against the most basic and Universal truths of human existence, will simply wither and die, only to be circulated by bitter old women and traitorous manginas who are doomed to live alone on the Upper West Side in a flea-bag motel, surrounded by cats (not that there is anything wrong with cats, by the way. I like cats. I pity them because of the mass numbers of old feminist maids that often choose them as pets. Poor kitties).

Without Government Pimp Protection (GPP), political feminism is doomed. And our upcoming financial Armageddon will ensure that the shrill voices of feminist lobbyists will finally be placed on the back-back-back burner where it belongs damn it!!

While we are going to see many problems in the years to come, one good thing is that the government, and the people, will be forced to choose policies that increase wealth, decrease social expenditures of all kinds, and provide incentives for citizens to work hard, to save, and to invest[a].

Marriage and Family Life, after a 40 year Bear Market, is set enter a full bore Bull Market in the years to come. You can take that to the bank.

But the financial arena is but one area where the former Marxist-Revolutionaries-Now-Known-as-Feminists are under attack.

I received a recent Radar.org alert entitled, Politically Incorrect Domestic Violence.

The Anti-VAWA crusaiders noted that:

We hope you saw Kathleen Parker's recent editorial, "Politically Incorrect Domestic Violence:" http://www.townhall.com/Columnists/KathleenParker/2008/06/25/politically_incorrect_domestic_violence

This is a break-through for us because for the first time, a mainstream editorial writer is challenging the myths of the DV industry...

Mainstream indeed. A quick Google search turned up numerous matches in popular news sites across the Internet. And, while Miss Parker's article compromises with the prevailing view that men are abusive monsters just waiting to come out, the fact remains that she not only managed to halfway tell the truth about the Domestic Violence hysteria that exists in this country, but she also managed to present points that many Men's Rights activists and scholars have been expressing for years. She's even gone so far as to write a book on the subject: Save The Males. Could she be a fan of the long running Save The Males website??

Inquiring minds want to know.

In another shocking development, it turns out that a self proclaimed feminist is actually challenging the feminist party line.

According to News Blaze.com, Dr. Linda Mills, author of the new book Violent Partners, argues that:

...In the 30 years since the feminist movement first raised our national awareness of domestic violence, we've seen a massive shift in the way society views what was once considered a private family matter. The criminal justice system is no longer blind to the dangers of intimate abuse: when incidents of domestic violence are reported, perpetrators are immediately arrested, separated from their families, and either jailed or enrolled in batterer intervention programs. Despite this progress, Linda G. Mills, lawyer, social worker, feminist, and survivor of an abusive relationship argues that the current approach to addressing domestic violence still leaves millions of people without the help or support they need.

In violent partners: A Breakthrough Plan for Ending the Cycle of Abuse (Basic Books; June 9, 2008; Hardcover), Mills reveals that:

The Centers for Disease Control reports domestic violence as a serious, preventable public health problem affecting more than 32 million Americans-12 percent of marriages in America experience a physically violent relationship
While most domestic violence advocates focus their efforts on battered women, more than 800,000 men are assaulted by their intimate partners every year
Intimate partner violence results in nearly 2 million injuries in the US annually

Despite the fact that billions of dollars are poured into the criminal justice system to prevent domestic violence, over 85 percent of women and nearly 90 percent of men do not call the police when their partners are violent...

While both Parker and Mills tell us information that MRAs have been exposing for years, it is welcome to see some brave women are beginning to tell the other side of the story, even if it is a watered down, sugar-coated version of the reality that men are struggling to deal with day in and day out. It's good to see that some of the ladies out there are slowly starting to get it.

It should be noted, however, that a truth half told is almost as philosophically bad as the truth not being spoken at all. I would advise commentators on these issues to either tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or shut the hell up and get the hell out of our way!

But don't get me wrong though. I welcome these signs of progress, and I also welcome our genuine allies who will assist us in our struggle to stay the Femi-Monster. However...

It must be understood, without question, that Men MUST take the lead in this fight. If we allow women, no matter how well meaning, to become the mouthpiece of the movement, then whatever new dialectic comes into existence will have been the fruit and vision of a group of people that have no real understanding as to what MEN really want and need.

We as men will never fully reclaim our respect and honor until we can show the entire world that Manliness is good and noble, and that we will tolerate no baseless, vicious, and opportunistic attacks on our good name.

While I am encouraged of these signs of the full fruition of the Men's Rights Movement into the public square, and am confident of political feminism's eventual demise, we as men must be aware that this dialectic between women allowing us to have some rights and privileges; and then subsequently blaming us for all that is evil in the world, leading to more restrictions and rights being unlawfully taken away, has been going on in the West for a very long time.

We need to arm ourselves with the Sword of the Marriage Strike, the Halberd of the Fertility Strike, and the Mace of the Dating Strike; or don the Cloak of the Ghost to move unseen in our feminized Western popular culture, society, and religion, or employ the Shield of the Outsourced Marriage Partner and avoid Western Women until we achieve victory on OUR TERMS.

Above all, we must arm ourselves with the Mother of All Bombs: The Written and Spoken word.

Choose your weapons according to your ability to bear them gentlemen. The marriage strike may be good for some, the fertility strike might work best for others. To each his own.

The goal is to force society (both men and women, but especially women) to come to the table and negotiate a new social compact; an agreement that both respects men and manliness, and balances and guarantees their fundamental rights, responsibilities and interests with the fundamental rights, responsibilities and interests of women.

Equal Rights, not Special Rights, is the Prize. Nothing less will do.

Until popular culture and the legal system changes for the better, the best thing we can do to earn our respect is to choose the weapons of our discontent, and batter the Matriarchy until it sues for peace. Nothing more, and nothing less.

In any event, for these reasons, and more, I believe that society is moving to a place where lies will be exposed, the truth of things will be revealed, and enlightened men will seek to actualize the promise of the ages: the prosperity, spiritual growth, and liberty of all human kind.

One can only hope.



Kirigakure said...

/tip of the hat

Thanks kindly. Stick around, and check out some of the links. And I will look into yours as well.


Anonymous said...

Feminism may indeed have come to run its last miles.

What's unfortunate is that it happens just in time for a very difficult period ahead of us,financially speaking: just about the time when men are ready to diss women...

I wonder how the feminazis will explain this to their beloved followers...

Who knows what the future holds in store for wymynn.

Kirigakure said...

They will do what they've always done... make Nice Nice or get kicked to tha curb!!

Seriously though, I expect a hasty renegotiation of the social contract... in bed... since the womenfolk will do just about anything to get back into our good graces, no matter how much they try to play it off.

Better late than never, I always say.