Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Investment Big Boys for Ron Paul!

The endorsement by Mr. Peter Schiff:

Thank you, Mr. Schiff, for your support!

Now that China is moving against the dollar, there is only one man who has the will and the skillz to set things right... if such a thing is possible.

That man is RON PAUL.

Without him, this country is FINISHED, period.

Kumo out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although I've been anticipating it, I am still shocked that China is moving away from the dollar via "diversification". I wonder if George Bush is going to invade China now in order to protect the dollar.

As for Ron Paul: I'm getting TIRED of people say stuff like "I like him but he has no chance of winning". Ron has an EXCELLENT chance of winning when people begin to vote on PRINCIPLES insted of PRAGMATISM. If one simply adds together ALL people who think like this that is ENOUGH voters to ensure that Ron Paul at least wins the Republican nomination.
Political pragmatism is what got us here in the first place. It is time for people to start voting according to their PRINCIPLES rahter than looking to vote for a winner (i.e., an establishment candidate).


Even if he doesn't win u can have a CLEAR CONSCIENCE knowing that you did't screw over your country voting for someone solely on their abilities to win.