Friday, November 30, 2007

Baskerville: Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children.

Courtesy of the guys at Men's News Daily:

Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D.
Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children

November 14, 2007 at 11:36 am · Filed under Mating, Marriage & Divorce, Vox Populi

Marriage is a foundation of civilized life. No advanced civilization has ever existed without the married, two-parent family. Those who argue that our civilization needs healthy marriages to survive are not exaggerating.

And yet I cannot, in good conscience, urge young men to marry today. For many men (and some women), marriage has become nothing less than a one-way ticket to jail. Even the New York Times has reported on how easily “the divorce court leads to a jail cell,” mostly for men. In fact, if I have one urgent piece of practical advice for young men today it is this: Do not marry and do not have children.

Spreading this message may also, in the long run, be the most effective method of saving marriage as an institution. For until we understand that the principal threat to marriage today is not cultural but political, and that it comes not from homosexuals but from heterosexuals, we will never reverse the decline of marriage. The main destroyer of marriage, it should be obvious, is divorce. Michael McManus of Marriage Savers points out that “divorce is a far more grievous blow to marriage than today’s challenge by gays.” The central problem is the divorce laws.

It is well known that half of all marriages end in divorce. But widespread misconceptions lead many to believe it cannot happen to them. Many conscientious people think they will never be divorced because they do not believe in it. In fact, it is likely to happen to you whether you wish it or not.

First, you do not have to agree to the divorce or commit any legal transgression. Under “no-fault” divorce laws, your spouse can divorce you unilaterally without giving any reasons. The judge will then grant the divorce automatically without any questions.

But further, not only does your spouse incur no penalty for breaking faith; she can actually profit enormously. Simply by filing for divorce, your spouse can take everything you have, also without giving any reasons. First, she will almost certainly get automatic and sole custody of your children and exclude you from them, without having to show that you have done anything wrong. Then any unauthorized contact with your children is a crime. Yes, for seeing your own children you will be subject to arrest...

Read the rest at your leisure.

Marriage is simply not worth it, as Baskerville himself chronicles in his Masterwork Taken Into Custody.

State run, State licensed marriage is not required in a religious sense, nor is it wise in the context of freedom and the natural rights of Man.

Not to mention that a man has NO civil rights with respect to family life. NONE.

In essence, a man has NOTHING to gain from marriage.

Stay out of the line of fire, kick back, and wait. We will soon witness the end of the Matriarchy, and I for one can't wait for that day to come. The boycott of State run marriage, divorce, and child support industries will only hasten the arrival of that glorious day.

In the meanwhile...


Let's bring the whole Muthafucker down!



Anonymous said...

All true. What is still amazing is the complete utter total insane denial that chicks live in.

Example. Get a load of this raging lunatic.

Baby Strike.

That moron really believes it is women who are on strike all because men will not involve themselves with women anymore. Try to unscrew that logic.

Hmm let's see, ok since you will not rape me I will just go on a rape strike. There, now that will teach you men a lesson.

It's so funny how bitter old spinters like this become insane. In a way it's natures ultimate revenge.

Kirigakure said...

Haha indeed.

Actually, I wonder if men in the UK actually read these kinds of articles. They strike me as purely propagandic, brainwashing pieces crafted solely to reinforce Mangina-istic thinking.

I know that papers in America also carry this kind of fluff, but it seems to be on a whole other level Across the Pond.

In any event, she touches on the shoring up of marriage, but then, as most women tend to do, she glosses right over the real issues.

"It's so funny how bitter old spinters like this become insane. In a way it's natures ultimate revenge."


They asked for this to start with, so let us remain invisible for a while longer, until the femmes are ready to sue for peace.

Anonymous said...

You are much more optimistic than I am if you believe that women will eventually come to a beginning of an understanding. It is clear from what they post that they haven't got a clue about what's going on. They will not and cannot understand anything beyond their own navel.
They are way too self-centered to notice anything outside their little persona.
If you believe that women are capable of understanding anything, then you credit them with excessive intelligence...

"No marriage and no children until our natural rights are respected".....
I agree with the first part, up to the word "until". From that word on, I disagree.

Kirigakure said...

"I agree with the first part, up to the word "until". From that word on, I disagree."

Yes, I know that some of us are committed marriage strikers fo' life, and that's fine too. In my Republic, everybody would be free to do their own thing.

But personally, I am married (to a non western, non feminized woman thank the Almighty), and I rather enjoy it! :)

The only issue is that I cannot, in any way, recommend any man marrying and having children in the Matriarchy. I plan on fleeing the US of A for greener pastures as soon as humanly possible.

The clock is ticking, and we have three years, if that.

"You are much more optimistic than I am if you believe that women will eventually come to a beginning of an understanding... They are way too self-centered to notice anything outside their little persona."

The vast majority of women don't get it, tis true. It's because they have that impressionable nature, and everyone and their mama, including the feminist courts of justice, encourages them to pillage men for most everything they have.

BUT, I do believe that their self interest is what is going to lead them to work for change. Because, when Government as Father turns the feminists out on the street, when the Treasury runs dry, women of cunning will latch onto any man that meets their fancy. It won't be a matter of a one night hookup; it'll be a matter of survival.

Americans across the board are going to find out WHY institutions such as family and marriage are so important, and they will find out the hard way.

In the meantime, MRAs such as ourselves have nothing to do, but watch the show.

Uncharted Thoughts said...

Amen to that, nothing to do but watch the show.

I wonder how the intellects of Rome felt in the final days of the empire?

I do know one quote, they said the people became stupid, and flocked to simple pleasures of no substance. "Its all bread and circuses" was a quote.