Saturday, November 24, 2007

Feminism and the Order of the Illuminati.

Dear readers,

It's not a secret that I post regularly about our Mysterious Money Men, a group of shadowy individuals who have worked in concert for many generations towards the goal of a new Republic.

I have labored to prove, as much as any one man can do, that feminism is NOT a movement that spontaneously appeared out of nowhere, but that it IS a movement backed and financed by these Money Men for the purpose of restructuring society.

Some of you might think that I am quite mad to pursue this line of thinking; and sometimes, I might tend to agree with you!

However, the more I research, the more I learn about everyone's favorite hate group, and the people at the top of the PYRAMID who are giving marching orders to the troops on the ground, the more it all comes together.

Feminism is a symptom of a larger sickness. And, as it turns out, this LARGER CONSPIRACY of men has been with us from the earliest times, even from the beginning of our wondrous American Republic.

Please watch these trailers:

It would behoove you, Dear Reader, to obtain these films.

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(Sir Francis Bacon)

And once you are done with that, please acquaint yourself with the Works of Francis Bacon; specifically, The New Atlantis.

Speaking of Atlantis, it should be noted that PLATO, our dear friend, was the man who gave the world the legend of the Lost Continent.

All in all, very relevant reading.

One more thing.

Allow me to post this item, taken from the Masonic Grand Lodge of British Columbia:

Adam Weishaupt was born February 6, 1748 at Ingolstadt and educated by the Jesuits.

His appointment as Professor of Natural and Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in 1775, a position previously held by one of the recently disbanded Jesuits,4 gave, it is said, great offence to the clergy. "Weishaupt, whose views were cosmopolitan, and who knew and condemned the bigotry and superstitions of the Priests, established an opposing party in the University...." 5 Weishaupt was not then a freemason; he was initiated into a Lodge of Strict Observance, Lodge Theodore of Good Council (Theodor zum guten Rath), at Munich in 1777.

Most information regarding the rituals and objectives of the order is derived from papers and correspondence found in a search of Xavier Zwack’s residence in Landshut on October 11, 1786, and a search of Baron Bassus’s castle of Sondersdorf in Bavaria in 1787. 6 These documents were published by the Bavarian government, under the title: Einige Originalschriften des Illuminaten Ordens, Munich, 1787. Perhaps the best English exposition on the Order is found in Chapter III of Vernon L. Stauffer’s New England and the Bavarian Illuminati, pp. 142-228...

...Neither Robison nor Barruel deny that the professed goal of the Order was to teach people to be happy by making them good — to do this by enlightening the mind and freeing it from the dominion of superstition and prejudice. But they refused to accept this at face value. Where Weishaupt and Knigge promoted a freedom from church domination over philosophy and science, Robison and Barruel saw a call for the destruction of the church. Where Weishaupt and Knigge wanted a release from the excesses of state oppression, Robison and Barruel saw the destruction of the state. Where Weishaupt and Knigge wanted to educate women and treat them as intellectual equals, Robison and Barruel saw the destruction of the natural and proper order of society.

The rituals were of a rationalistic and not occult nature. Status as a freemason was not required for initiation into the Order of Illuminati since the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees of Weishaupt and Baron Adolphe-François-Frederic Knigge’s system practically duplicated the three degrees of symbolic Freemasonry. Although Knigge claimed to have a system of ten degrees, the last two appear never to have been fully worked up.8

It should be said that women deserve to be educated equally, and they have natural, God given rights that are to be respected.

However... if one watches the full versions of the films linked above, they will quickly see how the philosophy of Plato dominates the thinking of all the Key Players from ancient, into modern times. And we all know what ideal state the Greek Philosopher had in mind.

In a word: Modern, political feminism is part and parcel of a larger movement to remake society in its own image; and this movement does not hesitate to use women and men as pawns, spread lies and deceit, and deny the basic right of all people to choose the way they want to live, in order to make their twisted dreams a nightmarish reality.

Kumo XVI.


pjanus said...

Speach by Bill Moyers' to the National Conference for Media reform (2 parts). He backs up what we know.

I do not know what his credibility is as I'm not from your side of the Pond.

Kirigakure said...


Thanks for the tip!

I'm not really sure who this man is either, but I will definitely check it out.

Thanks for reading!