Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Debreifing.

Ladies and Gents,

Togakure has returned from the field to bring you news, views, and commentary.

Let's get to it.

There was an interesting piece in the Boston Globe entitled: Missing Men.

The female author notes:

This new thinking is gaining traction throughout the country. Several bills in Congress, including one cosponsored by Senator Barack Obama, would provide a wage subsidy for men, among other measures. Some states, including Massachusetts, are reexamining their child support policies, seeking compromises with fathers who are unable to pay their debt. The University of Wisconsin's Institute for Research on Poverty has a program called Families Forward that experiments with ways to reduce child support debt. A number of cities, including Newark and New York, have begun aggressive efforts to reintegrate ex-offenders into society. And New York State has instituted a wage subsidy for fathers who keep up with their child support orders. (The laws are not technically gender-specific, but "ex-offenders" and "noncustodial parents" are overwhelmingly male...)

In my last few posts, I argued that we have witnessed Peak Political Feminism, and from here on out, the power of the politically connected, well-organized, and influential Feminist movement would slowly diminish. These changes in the political winds will be driven by economic and social events; the full magnitude of which we have yet to fully comprehend.

It is my assertion that the Paradigm has shifted. The Golden Age of feminist politics is coming to a close. The recognition by academia and government that Men are in need of assistance, and that social stability can only be guaranteed when its Men are productive and happy citizens, speaks volumes.

The author continues:

... In certain quarters, these ideas have generated controversy. Conservative critics oppose the expenditures, while others, especially feminists, fear that limited antipoverty funding could be diverted from poor women, who are by and large still struggling to raise the kids. From this perspective, the question is, why should men who have shirked their obligations be rewarded with assistance?

"If men were taking responsibility for their children, they would be receiving benefits," says Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women...

Be sure to check out the rest of the article.

Now then, in response to the question posed by the Author, why should men be rewarded with assistance, I would break the rules of polite discourse and ask the question...

Why do feminist groups, politicians, judges, media executives, business leaders, churchmen,and academics, in their collective ignorance, create the conditions that set men up for failure in the first place?

Poor men did not hold that women alone have rights to their children, nor did they rule in a Supreme Court decision that their ancient rights were to be terminated in order to provide women with the unilateral power to decide if an unborn child lives or dies.

Poor men did not write, propose, or pass punitive laws that directly and indirectly encouraged family destruction.

Poor men did not write, propose, or pass unilateral No-Fault divorce laws that enable selfish women to dissolve the family unit at will, and for any reason.

Poor men did not pass, propose, or write punitive laws that set up the nation's child support system, criminalized marijuana and other substances, criminalized prostitution, and imposed an unconstitutional web of so called domestic violence laws nationwide.

Poor men did not write, propose, or pass disastrous economic legislation such as the Federal Reserve Act, the Sixteenth Amendment, the abolishment of the Gold Standard, nor did they approve the ruinous NAFTA bill, which saw a mass exodus of manufacturing jobs from the United States to low wage countries across the globe.

Poor men do not write, produce, or finance television commercials, sitcoms, or other forms of popular entertainment that portray them as morons, numskulls, or violent lecherous predators.

(As an aside, it should be noted that child abuse, intimate partner violence, and sexual molestation occur most often outside of the traditional married family, not from within it [a][b][c]. Feminism, by leading the charge to destroy marriage [d][e], has fueled a rise in "sex offenders" and violent "male batterers," which has caused the general population to live in fear of these dreaded menaces to society. In short, it is amazing to see men being blamed for the social phenomenon that the feminists themselves created. Ignorance is indeed a powerful thing.)

Poor men do not lead religious organizations who have largely sat idly by [f][g][h] as the ancient rights of Man to his hearth, his home, his family and his honor have been utterly destroyed by the cult of Political Feminism, acting in tandem with its partners in government, industry, and academia.

Frankly, Men in America, and the Western World, for that matter, are living in a sweltering hothouse of tyranny. Similar to the frog who has immersed in water that slowly increases in temperature until he is scalded alive, the rights of Men have been stripped away, one by one, until he realizes that he is under the velvet covered iron fist of Matriarchal domination.

And the writer dares ask the question why should men be rewarded with assistance?

She should be fortunate that Men have been as patient and passive as they have been. In most other times and places, treatment of this nature would have been met with violent revolution and overthrow. Just ask the French monarchy and King George III.

Men do not NEED assistance. We do not NEED more government intervention. We've had quite enough of that already, and guess what...


What we NEED is government and society to get the HELL out of our way and let men do what they do. Without the "Tariffs" of feminism and misandry, men will thrive quicker than a hot knife through butter.

Our present day system of Nanny Statism, white lies and propaganda is a failed model that is faced with complete collapse. It is unsustainable. It is NOT WORTH SAVING. Extending the control of government over poor men will not solve the problems we face.

The solutions are simple:

Recognize that men are human beings with Natural Rights that cannot be lawfully legislated away. Men have honor, and as such, should be treated with dignity and respect until a man has forfeited that right by acting in an unrighteous manner.

Recognize that government is legitimate only when it protects the life, liberty, and property, of all citizens, without prejudice. The government has a duty to protect the innocent, and punish the guilty. It also has the mandate to insure that the duties that are inseparable from the rights citizens possess are upheld and enforced, without prejudice.

Recognize that the courts are to provide an impartial forum for the adjudication of disputes, and if there is any doubt about how to decide a case, then the court must:

A) Err on the side of Liberty

B) Constrain the power of government, corporation, and citizen when it overreaches

C) insure that the rights and responsibilities of individual citizens and corporations are upheld and enforced, at all times, without prejudice.

Recognize that government exists to maintain a free and fair market system. Those who commit fraud, counterfeit the coin of the realm, and violate other laws are to be punished. The Natural economic rights of the people are to be upheld at all times, and this includes the right of people to keep the bulk of what they earn. The currency is to be selected by market participants, without the force of legal tender laws. Courts are to stand ready to enforce the rights and responsibilities of buyers and sellers. The government must be forbidden to pursue policies that lead to inflation, defined as a debasement of the currency.

Recognize that 20% of any given population accounts for 80% of the problems a society may face. Instead of encouraging divorce, arresting people for having a bag of weed, hiring a prostitute, or debasing the currency for the express purpose of enriching a few well connected bankers, we need to focus our efforts on eliminating or containing the few bad apples that spoil the bunch. Be it financial crime, parents who abandon their children, intimate partner violence, or hardcore drug abuse, we need to understand that 80% of the people know what they are supposed to be doing. They understand that the married family is the best structure for society. They know how to hold their liquor, their tobacco, or their other vices. They actively seek a relationship with the Creator and do their best to live a moral lifestyle.

We as a country waste so much time and energy when we react emotionally to the (mostly manufactured) problems created by the 20%, and then jump to conclusions and fuck shit up for the 80% who are doing what they are supposed to do.

Once it is understood that freedom, tempered with responsibility, works better than any one-size-fits-all government mandated approach, then we can begin to eliminate the issues that plague our society. With this understanding, we can solve the problem of poor men, poor women, and poor children more effectively and completely; and achieve results greater than anything we have though was possible.

The Decline of the American Empire.

The forthcoming changes to American society will be driven in part by the declining wealth and prestige of the American Empire.

Economist Nouriel Roubini, who has been dead on in his predictions of American economic turmoil, wrote a piece entitled The Decline of the American Empire, which only confirms my view that big changes are in the pipeline.

Mr. Roubini writes:

Recent economic, financial and geopolitical events suggest that the decline of the American Empire has started. After the collapse of the Soviet Union there was a brief period where the world switched from a bipolar balance of two superpowers to a unipolar world with one economic, financial, geostrategic superpower, or better, hyperpower, i.e the United States. But by now three factors suggest that the US has squandered its unipolar moment and that the decline of the American Empire – as the US was in effect a global empire – has started.

Let us explain how and why...

... First, the US squandered its power by relying excessively on its hard military power in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan and in its unilateralist foreign policy – including economic issues such as global warming - rather than relying more on its soft power of diplomacy and multilateralist approaches to global policy issues.

Second, regardless of mistaken US policies the rise of other economic and financial powers – the rise of China, the recent resurgence of Russia, the process of economic and political integration in the European Union, the emergence of India, and the rise of other regional powers such as Brazil, South Africa and Iran – implies that the relative economic, financial and geopolitical power of the US will be reduced over time...

... Third, and more important, the US squandered its economic and financial power by running reckless economic policies, especially its twin fiscal and current account deficits...

... By now the US is the biggest net borrower in the world – running current account deficits still in the 700 billion dollars range – and the biggest net debtor in the world with its foreign liabilities now over 2.5 trillion dollars.

The trouble with these twin deficits is multi-fold. First, superpowers and empires - like the British Empire at its peak - tend to be net lenders – i.e run current account surpluses – and be net creditors, not net debtors; The decline of the British Empire started in World War II when the British fiscal deficits in the war and the current account deficits turned that empire into a net borrower and a net debtor both in its public debt and external debt...

Please read the rest when you have time.

As I discussed previously, ROW (rest of world) nations are on the rise, whereas the United States, and its feminist foreign policy, are destined to decline.

Such is life, and not even aging feminists can repeal this Universal Law.

Tis true that Political Feminism has achieved remarkable successes over the past half century. However, that winning streak is coming to a close.

How long will it be before feminism is rejected by the mainstream? Hard to say, the future is. However, I do know one thing.


As Ancient Spartan history tells us, the world will rid itself of feminism... in time. The sooner, the better in my view.

From Russia With Love.

Speaking of Mother Russia, here is some vital intellegence that I wanted to pass on, courtesy of Mr. Mike Whitney and MarketOracle.UK entitled, Russia Georgia War: Putin Walks Into Quagmire Trap

Mr. Whitney writes:

The American-armed and trained Georgian army swarmed into South Ossetia last Thursday, killing an estimated 2,000 civilians, sending 40,000 South Ossetians fleeing over the Russian border, and destroying much of the capital, Tskhinvali. The attack was unprovoked and took place a full 24 hours before even ONE Russian soldier set foot in South Ossetia.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of Americans still believe that the Russian army invaded Georgian territory first. The BBC, AP, NPR, the New York Times and the rest of the establishment media has consistently and deliberately misled its readers into believing that the violence in South Ossetia was initiated by the Kremlin. Let's be clear, it wasn't. In truth, there is NO dispute about the facts except among the people who rely the western press for their information. Despite its steady loss of credibility, the corporate media continues to operate as the propaganda-arm of the Pentagon...

Best believe it ladies and gents... the American media is not to be trusted. Toku gets his information from a multitude of sources, but he doesn't trust CNN (Communist News Network) or Faux News (a propaganda arm of the White House and other unsavory types) any farther than he can throw a truck.

Check out this Youtube to see what I mean.

The writer continues:

... the fighting in the Caucasus has diverted attention from the massive US naval armada that is presently sailing towards the Persian Gulf for the long-anticipated confrontation with Iran.

Operation Brimstone, the joint US, UK and French naval war games in the Atlantic Ocean preparing for a naval blockade of Iran, ended just last week. The war games were designed to simulate a naval blockade of Iran and the probable Iranian response.

According to Earl of Stirling on the Global Research web site:

"The war games included a US Navy supercarrier battle group, an US Navy expeditionary carrier battle group, a Royal Navy carrier battle group, a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine plus a large number of US Navy cruisers, destroyers and frigates playing the "enemy force. The lead American ship in these war games, the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN71) and its Carrier Strike Group Two (CCSG-2) are now headed towards Iran along with the USS Ronald Reagen (CVN76) and its Carrier Strike Group Seven (CCSG-7) coming from Japan."

Stirling adds: "A strategic diversion has been created for Russia. The South Ossetia capital has been shelled and a large Georgian tank force has been heading towards the border....American Marines, a thousand of them, have recently been in Georgia training the Georgian military forces... Russia has stated that it will not sit by and allow the Georgians to attack South Ossetia...This could get bad, and remember it is just a strategic diversion....but one that could have horrific effects." ("Massive US Naval Armada Heads for Iran", Earl of Stirling, Global Research)...

And interestingly, another key player emerges from the Chaos:

... In June, former foreign policy adviser to President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, presented the basic storyline that would be used against Russia two full months before the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia. The article appeared on the Kavkazcenter web site. Brzezinski said the United States witnessed "cases of possible threats by Russia, directed at Georgia with the intention of taking control over the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline".

Brzezinski: "Russia actively tends to isolate the Central Asian region from direct access to world economy, especially to energy supplies..If Georgia government is destabilized, western access to Baku, Caspian Sea and further will be limited". ...

You might be asking yourself, Haven't we heard of that name before??

Indeed you have. I've written about him previously. Founder of the Trilateral Commission, former CFR boardmember, and all around powerbroker... if this man is involved, shit is going to get really ugly; and there's no telling how deep the rabbithole goes.

Please be sure to check out the rest of the piece, and check out MarketOracle.UK frequently. They tend to have excellent political articles that cut through the American media web of bullshit.

Oh, by the way... when I say that ROW doesn't give a flying fudge about feminist jurisprudence, I mean it. See how Russia responds to Sexual Harassment suits.

Yep... the future for global feminism looks bright!!

When Nature Wants a Man.

Gentlemen, I realize that times are tough right now. But I also want you to know that it won't be like this forever, and when the trials and tribulations are over, we as Men will be better off for it.

Allow me to present a poem by Angela Morgan entitled, When Nature Wants a Man.

Please read it a few times, and take it to heart. True Manliness will not be denied!

(By Angela Morgan)

When Nature wants to drill a man and thrill a man and skill a man...

When Nature wants to mold a man to play the noblest part; When She yearns with all Her heart to create so great and bold a man that all the world shall praise...

Watch Her methods; watch Her ways!

How She ruthlessly perfects whom She royally elects...

How She hammers him and hurts him, and with mighty blows converts him into frail shapes of clay that only Nature understands.

How his tortured heart is crying and he lifts beseeching hands...

How She bends but never breaks when his good she undertakes. How She uses whom she chooses...

with every purpose fuses him; by every art induces him to try his splendor out...

Nature knows what she's about!

When Nature wants to take a man and shake a man and wake a man...

When Nature wants to make a man to do the Future's will; She tries with all Her skill...

When She yearns with all Her soul to create him large and whole...

with what cunning She prepares him...

how She goads and never spares him!

How She whets him and She frets him and in poverty begets him...

How often she disappoints whom she sacredly anoints! With what wisdom She will hide him; never minding what betide him...

Though his genius sob with slighting and his pride may not forget; Bids him struggle harder yet!

Makes him lonely so that only God's high messages shall reach him...

So that She may surely teach him what the hierarchy planned; And though he may not understand...

gives him passions to command. How remorselessly She spurs him...

with terrific ardor stirs him When she poignantly prefers him.

When Nature wants to name a man and fame a man and tame a man...

When Nature wants to shame a man to do his Heavenly best; When She tries the highest test that Her reckoning may bring...

When She wants a god or king; How She reins him and restrains him so his body scarce contains him...

While She fires him and inspires him...

Keeps him yearning, every burning for that tantalizing goal. Lures and lacerates his soul...

sets a challenge for his spirit; Draws it higher when he's near it! Makes a jungle that he clear it; makes a desert that he fear it...and subdue it, if he can -- so doth Nature make a man!

Then -- to test his spirit's wrath -- throw a mountain in his path; puts a bitter choice before him and relentlessly stands o'er him...

Climb or perish, so She says...

but watch her purpose, watch her ways. Nature's plan is wondrous kind -- could we understand her mind ?

Fools are they who call her blind!

When his feet are torn and bleeding; yet his spirit mounts unheeding...

blazing newer paths and finds; When the Force that is Divine leaps to challenge every failure, and his ardor still is sweet -- and love and hope are burning in the presence of defeat!

Lo the crisis, Lo the shouts that would call the leader out...

When the people need salvation doth he rise to lead the nation; Then doth Nature show Her plan...

and the world has found a man!

Until next time, keep your heads up, listen to this segment, by Financial Sense, to understand why you should never believe our media when it comes to precious metals investing, and...

See you next week!

Toku out.


Anonymous said...

Actually it is the opposite. Majority of women(and men) are evil, and a minority is good. As is clearly proven by the state of society today(and human history).

Kirigakure said...

I don't know about that.

My take of history is that too many good people are wholly ignorant of the harmful actions of a small handful.

In any event, I am ever the optimist in humanity. They are going to learn, whether they want to or not!

Elusive Wapiti said...

"why should men who have shirked their obligations... "

You seized on the second half of the sentence that followed this clause, but I thought that the piece I quoted above was actually the most telling.

Unusual is the shirking man, the deadbeat man. Much more common is the beat-dead man, the man who was abandoned by his wife and sold into slavery.

I found the following excerpt from the article noteworthy, given that the article was written by a woman who uncritically quotes Kim Gandy's slanderous remark about men:

"At the same time, a consensus has emerged that breadwinning isn't the only crucial role for fathers to play. Research has shown that children from two-parent households are less likely to smoke, repeat grades, and engage in violent behavior, among other worrisome tendencies. While causation is hard to prove, many experts agree that involved fathers exert a positive influence - and that active fatherhood can transfigure the men themselves, giving them purpose and the motivation to become responsible earners, citizens, and family members.

"Social welfare policy should be changed so that the man is recognized as an asset,"

This is huge. People recognizing that there is more to men than just a paycheck, that bringing men back into the fold yields positive results for society is a major sea change that reinforces your thesis that global feminism has peaked.

Elusive Wapiti said...

I may have spoken too soon. From the same article, a couple of paragraphs later:

"Lawrence Mead, a professor of politics at NYU who shares these concerns, has taken a different tack from most of his colleagues, putting forward a controversial proposal to mandate work. He argues that due to social disorder in their communities, low-income men, especially black men, have lost internal discipline, and that government must therefore impose it on them. Under his plan, men on parole or in child support debt would be required to work. Their efforts to find work and their employment would be closely supervised by case managers. If they failed to land private jobs, they would be assigned to government-funded "work crews." Those who still failed to work, with no valid excuse, would be imprisoned. (Men may already be sent to jail for nonpayment of child support.)"

Has no one heard of debt peonage? Why is it that our society has no truck with telling men what to do with their bodies, yet shies away from dictating to women what they must do with their bodies?

Anonymous said...

I've been around long enough to know with certainty that when a woman speaks "on behalf" of men,she always has another, quite different agenda in mind.

To think that women, individually or collectively care at all about men is either utterly foolish or at least incredibly naive.

Words are cheap. Focus on results.


Kirigakure said...


The quote about imprisoning men comes from a hardcore mangina who knows nothing about the real issues.

If we were to implement a "get tough" policy as the mangina suggests, feminist family values would collapse even sooner than scheduled.

The only way to salvage this society is to take the handcuffs off and let men do what they do.


My thoughts exactly. And the results and actions of women and others will be forced by circumstances. It will not be a nice nice change of heart. It will take tremendous pain before the masses "get it."

Stay alert, stay out of the way, and prepare for a better day.

it's coming.