Saturday, June 2, 2007

The North American Union cometh!

Welcome back spacefans!

It's about that time to blow the lid off of this NAU thing.

Let's start with this informative peice by WorldNet Daily:


North American union plan headed to Congress in fall

Powerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada

Posted: May 24, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

WASHINGTON – A powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc.

The final report, published in English, Spanish and French, is scheduled for submission to all three governments by Sept. 30, according to the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

CSIS boasts of playing a large role in the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 – a treaty that set in motion a political movement many believe resembles the early stages of the European Community on its way to becoming the European Union.

"The results of the study will enable policymakers to make sound, strategic, long-range policy decisions about North America, with an emphasis on regional integration," explains Armand B. Peschard-Sverdrup, director of CSIS' Mexico Project. "Specifically, the project will focus on a detailed examination of future scenarios, which are based on current trends, and involve six areas of critical importance to the trilateral relationship: labor mobility, energy, the environment, security, competitiveness and border infrastructure and logistics."

The data collected for the report is based on seven secret roundtable sessions involving between 21 and 45 people and conducted by CSIS. The participants are politicians, business people, labor leaders and academics from all three countries with equal representation.

All of this is described in a CSIS report, "North American Future 2025 Project."..
Check out the rest of the article... its a real eye opener!

When you are done with that, get a load of these videos:

Pretext For the North American Union

Lou Dobbs exposes the North American Union

It's pretty clear that we have a conspiracy of people, in very high places, plotting to wipe the United States of America off the map.


And people say there is no such thing as a conspiracy.



. said...

There's no doubt in my mind anymore that there is a conspiracy to bring about the NAU.

The ONE THING that tipped me off BEYOND questioning was a simple blurp on the Television about 3 years ago.

There was no Reporter-Interview, there was no graphics/video clip...

ALL that there was, was a simple soundbite that made up only a couple of sentences, by the News Anchor Woman. This tipped me off a few years ago about the widespread corruption we are facing.

All that she said were a few simple lines, and I don't remember them exactly anymore. But, she said that (then) Prime Minister Paul Martin had met with President Bush and they had signed an agreement that in the event of another terrorist attack such as 9/11, that the US Armed Forces would be permitted to cross the border into Canada and defend North America UNTIL the threat had passed!

Now, I'm one of those guys who likes Americans but despises American policy. I even lived in the States for a while when I was in my University days, and I enjoyed the USA very much. So, please don't take this to heart as a criticism against the American people, but rather as a criticism of Americanization of the world.

America HAS ALWAYS had a policy of Manifest Destiny - that they are the rulers of the Americas, and that it is THEIR RIGHT to dominate all others in their geographical sphere. This is backed up by the Monroe Doctrine, and to some extent the Truman Doctrine & the Cuban Missile Crisis.

My country, Canada, has defined itself for hundreds of years by DEFYING the American policy of Manifest Destiny!

Hell, I like Americans, as do most Canadians, but our Sovereignty apart from the USA is something most Canadians are FANATICALLY proud of!


Please, bear with me through my upcoming long tirade, and hear me through - it will make sense in the end!

It is probably our most defining feature aside from "eh," hockey and GREAT BEER!

Most Canadians are VERY aware that it was us who gave America that pretty Whitehouse, because you tried to invade us via the War of 1812, so we sent a party of toque-heads to visit you, eat your dinner, and then set your house on fire - giving you an excuse to build a new one!

After the War Between the States, there were so many military men that were itching to start a new war to employ the un-employed soldiers after the Civil War, that Great Britain made Canada into a "Dominion/Country" to specifically ward off an attack from the USA via Manifest Destiny logic...

My own province of British Columbia was flip-flopping as a colony of whether to join the Dominion of Canada or the USA, so Canada promised to spend untold of money to build a trans-continental railroad to BC if they would join Canada and not the USA...

We are a Nation that is DEFINED by resisting becoming American while also making great friends of you in the meanwhile! Canadians are very proud to be North American while not being American... sorry, but it's true. A politician in Canada can score HUGE points by asserting that we ARE NOT American!

And, for a little more history, all of which ties in and bothers me all the more...

Canada has NEVER been a weak nation militarily, until the advent of the Baby Boomer Hippie Freaks that are responsible for so much of the feminist, new-age, fucked up bullshit that has beset us for the past four decades!


Canada's "first war" was the Boer War in South Africa, which was fought solely out of support of Britain... we did pretty damn good!

Canada's "second war" was the First World War, which really did DEFINE Canada as a new nation. We were a lean, mean, fighting machine... and we proved it! In support of Great Britain, we started mobilizing our army 3 days before the UK Parliament even had the chance to declare war on Germany! (And, of course, we were in there 3 years before the Americans - that's why all the Yankees who wanted to fight came to Canada to enlist).

Canada's "third war" was the Second World War, this is where - NO JOKE, Canada proved itself as a WORLD POWER! Don't forget, with a population of only 11,000,000 people, we took one of the 5 Beaches at Normandy, along with GB & the USA. WE, Canadians, were the original ones to utilize our industrial might to support the war - where do you think so many of them Spitfires were built, and who do you think gave Britain all that flour and whatnot? After the defeat of Germany and Japan, Canada was ranked as the 3rd most powerful military force in the world - THIRD - with only 11 million people! And, once again, Canada had shown no fear, once War was declared on GB, Canada IMMEDIATELY declared war without question - over 2 years BEFORE America...

I live in Canada today BECAUSE my parents were Dutch children during WWII and were liberated by the Canadians. This is how I became a proud Canuck!

Jeez, even our participation in Korea was more of an obligation to GB than to the UN!

THEN, when Pierre Elliot Treachorous Trudeau became Prime Minister of Canada in the late 1960's - something changed!

Trudeau the Treachorous Traitor hammered Canada hard with abortion rights, no fault divorce, encouraged homosexuality, and encourage multi-culturalism while at the SAME TIME cutting Canada's military spending to life support status. We became proud "peace keepers" while slashing our military budget - we suddenly became dependent on the USA to "protect us." Ghaaag!

But, we even offered to go to war against the Argentinians in the questionable "Falklands War" just because it was Great Britain - and to reciprocate, when Canada threatened Spanish Fishermen who were coming to Canada and stealing our fish in the 90's and then running in the face of our Coast Guard... well, we "finally" installed guns on our Coast Guard ships and told the Spanish, "it will be one across your bow, and the next one will be right up your ass!" - And it was the British that backed us up by saying that if Spain has a problem with it, then Britain will back Canada, because Canada has ALWAYS backed Britain... ALWAYS!

Now, I'm sorry for the history lesson, but it is important in the overall scheme of the NAU/NWO.

All throughout Canadian history, we have defined ourselves as being completely independant of the USA. We like them, but they just are "not us."

Britain has been our "loyalty." And it has never wavered until recently. The Queen of England, QEII, is of course, the Queen of Canada as well, we do live in a Constitutional Monarchy here in Canada!

Since 9/11, things have gone quite strange, in my opinion.

9/11/Iraq was THE FIRST TIME in the History of Canada, that we DID NOT support Great Britain in War! THE FIRST TIME in our history!

But ALL of the Main Stream Media paid attention ONLY that Canada did not support the USA - this was NOT NEWS - we did not support the USA many times in the past!

We have not supported the Americans many times. JFK, Johnson and Nixon were all VERY antagonistic towards Canada for not entering the Vietnam War, much like Bush's absurd antogonism towards Canada for not declaring war on Iraq (we did in Afghanistan, thought - our bad!), we also did not support the USA in their bid to crush Cuba, something which stills plays out in politics with the Helms-Burton laws?

This was, however, the FIRST time that Canada has EVER strayed from blind obedience to Great Britain. This is truly of historical significance for Canada - ABSOLUTELY! - and do you know how much media attention it was paid, given that for the first time in 135 years, Canada did not support Great Britain in wartime?


Still wondering...

The answer is ZERO media attention!

What was paid attention to was that Canada did not support the USA in Wartime!

Something which Canada has done MANY TIMES in the past. In fact, aside from the two world wars and Korea, Canada has NEVER been on America's military aggressive side. And, let's face the facts, folks... the USA NEVER supported us militarily during the World Wars... if they did, THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN AT WAR AS EARLY AS US!

In fact, the ONLY war where we have ever seen eye to eye, is apparently Korea!

And that's just fine - as long as we are not fighting eachother, we have free will to declare war on whoever we want, right?

And here comes the conspiracy...

At the advent of 9/11 - it was VERY STRANGE! It was strange to hear President Bush talk. He thanked all the nations around the world except for Canada.

Hell, I was a pilot working at a small airport during 9/11 and I took in two stranded American pilots into my home - one on the couch and one on the floor - for over 2 weeks! As did many others at the airport. The major airports, like in Calgary, seen a FLOOD of stranded Americans and the citizens of Calgary opened their homes to those stranded at the airport. It was truly a time of being humane... oh hell, I even gave blood for the first time in years! And don't forget, all of those planes destined for America HAD TO LAND in Canada! WE TOOK YOUR FLYING BOMBS! I am friends with a surgeon at a major Canadian Hospital and he even told me that on 9/11, all non-essential patients were moved to make way for potential casualties from American aircraft!

And who did President Bush thank? He thanked the Australians, the British, the fucking Antarcticans, but he REFUSED to thank Canadians after the majority of flight bound Americans enjoyed Canadian Hospitality!

And then the WOMEN got involved! It was Katie Couric, I believe that compared us to some Scandanavian Country that the USA should CRUSH because we didn't support the war in Iraq (even though we are in Afghanistan), of course she showed her level of education by saying that the USA pulled our asses out of the World Wars (see above).

Then came Carolyn Parrish, Canada's own female politician, stomping a George Bush action-figure doll to death in front of the Canadian Parliament...

... and then the repeated ommissions by President Bush as Canada as its ally - and even. "If you are not for us, you are against us..."

AND THEN, back to my original point... a simple 30 second statement on the Canadian news, with no fanfare, no interview, no commentary...

If another event like 9/11 occurs in North America, the US Military forces will be allowed to cross the border into Canada and "defend North America" UNTIL THE THREAT IS OVER! (Does that mean like until the War on Terror, or the War on Drugs is over?)


Only a 30 second blurp - just once!

Now it is forgotten!

But this "agreement" affects Canadian sovereignty in a way that has actually defined Canadian Identity!

- We fought the War of 1812

- We became a nation in 1867 to ward off American Inavasion

- We fought WWI without concern of American involvement

- We fought WWII without concern of American involvement

- Now, we have signed ourselves into a treaty which allows the US military to rule Canada with Martial Law UNTIL THEY SEE FIT TO SAY THEY LONGER SHOULD DO SO!

WTF, people, is there a conspiracy to bring about the NAU? You're damn right that there is! Even if the Prime Minister signed in such a stunned treaty as he did (which is TREASON), the media covering it should have EXPLODED - what a big story... Canadian sovereignty but a bomb away... but what do we hear? *** Crickets Chirping ***

Nope, you know what we hear? We hear about $0.76 on the dollar...

We hear about abusive males...

We hear about Canada having to recognize it is living a globalized world...

Anyway, sorry for the long tirade... it just seems quite evident that the MSM has left out something pretty core to Canada's national identity - IT'S SOVEREIGNTY!

Who coulda missed it, except those who conspire to take it away?

Kirigakure said...

Damn Robb,

I have been educated!! One of these days, my wife and I are gonna have to make a trip up North... Canada is one place I have never been.

/1000% agreed that the Media has utterly failed us... but they are doing their job. The media exists to manipulate and mislead. As one who has open eyes, I can't get to mad at them for doing what they are supposed to do.

People will soon learn that they need to look into things for themselves, and stop placing blind faith in others, as the Founding Fathers expected us to do.

With that being said... what you spoke about is exactly why I fear the North American Union.

While, being a finance guy, I can somewhat agree with the idea on the basis of cost savings (i.e. the elimination of foreign exchange costs, tariffs, etc). The NAU would save our economies Billions of dollars, would provide massive amounts of synergies, etc etc etc...


I wholly oppose it on political and cultural grounds. I think of the world's countries as being examples of Federalism on a massive scale. If one country (Like the USA) becomes too powerful, then other countries can ally and take down the dominating power.

But a North American Union would lead to the creation of an Empire much larger than any in history, except for possibly Alexander the Great. I fear that basic human rights would go the way of the Dodo, and tyranny would be the order of the day.

Any illegal relinquishment of sovereignty will of course, lead to rebellion. The powers that be are gonna have to come get me, because I'm NOT GOING OUT LIKE THAT.

I suspect that when the full scale of the betrayal is known, there will be unrest on par to the American Revolution.

And if that day comes, I look forward to aid from our Canadian cousins who love their country as much as I love mine!
