Sunday, June 10, 2007

Against Claritus


I recently read a blog post entitled What Is It All About by Claritus, which is located here.

My first impression was that this woman was like a blind man wandering about on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. Clearly, she has no real understanding of either feminism OR the Men's Rights Movement.

As is the case with most feminists and their sympathizers, she writes about her "feelings", and supplies her reader with little in the way of FACTS.

Unfortunately for our writer, feelings can only get you so far. If she desires to be taken seriously among the intellectual giants within the Men's Rights Movement, she is going to have to supply some serious data in order to back up her assertions.

Let's take a closer look at what she wrote:

Men’s Rights Activists. Started up in response to the third wave of feminism that has washed across the western world. Started up with good intentions, but now degenerated into angry men calling women names.

“Is this true? No.

Most men writing under the standard of MRA are making legitimate points, about
how the way child custody is handled is unfair, about how the education system
is designed for girls to excel rather than boys. However, the way they throw
about the words ‘bitch’ and ‘whore’ doesn’t just distress me: it makes my blood boil.”

Our author is a little sensitive because "women" are being "disrespected". However the fact is, women have been disrespecting themselves for quite a while now. Furthermore, while I can understand her feelings on this issue, the facts are that men have been systematically demonized for decades. Please see my post on Misandry in the public square here. In addition, our author should understand that Men have held their tongues for over forty years, while feminists and their Leftist allies destroyed our most ancient and vital right [a][aa], a man's right to his own child [b].

It is important to remember that anger is NOT a bad thing, feminist brainwashing to the contrary. Righteous anger, when injustice is being visited upon you, is a blessing, not a curse. So if men are angry, and call women bitches and whores (and from my experience, these labels are heartily justified in most cases), then it is because most of today's modern women are:

Unpleasant, insolent, disrespectful, untrustworthy, selfish, bitter, petty, cunning, unfaithful, loose in morals, promiscuous, and whorish.

The proof is this is overwhelming. All one has to do is to visit sites such as Eternal Bachelor, Captain Zarmand, Don’t Marry, among others, to find well DOCUMENTED accounts of women behaving badly. In short, MRAs are calling it as we see it, and if women such as Claritus can't stand the heat, then she needs to get the HELL out of the kitchen.

Leave the discussion of serious issues to the grown folks; those who can't handle the truth can go back to their feminist friends who, in their insane denial of the truth, will weave tales of unmatched Sophistry in order to make sure that blood doesn't get boiled.

Claritus continues:

“Even the dreaded feminists can manage to write a post on equality without having to resort to calling men names! I read once that ‘women should not call men dogs or bastards’. I fully agree. Women shouldn't’t call men names. BUT men should be able to write a sentence without referring to the entire female population as prostitutes!”

Our author has much to learn about the art of debate. She claims that feminists write posts on equality without resorting to name calling. This is an ignorant statement for two reasons. Firstly, she has provided no links or no proof that her quote ‘women should not call men dogs or bastards’ was actually made. Secondly, there are ample feminist writings that compare Men to animals, rapists, and other unsavory things.

According to Men’s Wiki:

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness...can be trained to do most things." -- Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men, started by Valerie Solanas)

"If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males." --Mary Daly, former Professor at Boston College, 2001.

"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig." -- Andrea Dworkin

"Men are rapists, batterers, plunderers, killers; these same men are religious prophets, poets, heroes, figures of romance, adventure, accomplishment, figures ennobled by tragedy and defeat. Men have claimed the earth, called it 'Her'. Men ruin Her. Men have airplanes, guns, bombs, poisonous gases, weapons so perverse and deadly that they defy any authentically human imagination." -- Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women

My feelings about men are the result of my experience. I have little sympathy for them. Like a Jew just released from Dachau, I watch the handsome young Nazi soldier fall writhing to the ground with a bullet in his stomach and I look briefly and walk on. I don't even need to shrug. I simply don't care. What he was, as a person, I mean, what his shames and yearnings were, simply don't matter." -- Marilyn French; The Woman's Room

"All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign.)

"And let's put one lie to rest for all time: the lie that men are oppressed, too, by sexism--the lie that there can be such a thing as 'men's liberation groups.' Oppression is something that one group of people commits against another group, specifically because of a 'threatening' characteristic shared by the latter group--skin, color, sex or age, etc. The oppressors are indeed FUCKED UP by being masters, but those masters are not OPPRESSED. Any master has the alternative of divesting himself of sexism or racism--the oppressed have no alternative--for they have no power but to fight. In the long run, Women's Liberation will of course free men--but in the short run it's going to cost men a lot of privilege, which no one gives up willingly or easily. Sexism is NOT the fault of women--kill your fathers, not your mothers". -- Robin Morgan

I would like to make this clear; these are not quotes by some ‘anonymous’ feminist poster on some obscure feminist weblog. These are DOCUMENTED quotes by some of the most famous feminists in history.

Again, it would appear that Claritus is very unknowledgeable about the philosophy of her beloved feminist movement. Perhaps it would be better for her to come to this humble blog and let a MAN and a MRA educate her as to what feminism is really about, before she writes foolishly about the Men’s Rights Movement in general, and MRAs in particular.

The author notes:

“…In the MGTOW manifesto it says they want women to return to their traditional roles of complementing men - but for the love of everything green don’t assume that that means MRAs want men to return to their traditional roles! They want women to stop having sex all the time (to the point of inserting chips into their arms so that men can tell if they want sex or not), just for the pleasure of it, (like the feminists have encouraged women to do) but they still defend the old line of ‘men are genetically hardwired to spread their seed’ meaning, basically, that men should get carte blanche to have sex with as many women as possible.”

It should be said that every MRA has his (and her, as there are female MRAs out there) own opinion as to what the role of women should be. I will state my position on this subject, and others are free to agree or disagree as they like.

I am a Classical Liberal. I believe that every human being has basic, unalienable rights, given to them by the Holy One (Blessed be He).

I don’t particularly care if women work, or if women stay at home. Nor do I care about who "wears the pants" in the family. I think that those choices should be the private (not the politically correct) decision of each individual couple. It is up to each person to negotiate for themselves the duties and roles that they so desire in their relationships. And once the couple has solemnized their decision via the marriage contract [**], then let it be done forever.

In this "marketplace of love" as I call it, it is my opinion that in the aggregate, most men will naturally choose to be the leaders of their homes and families, as it is their nature to lead [*], although there are exceptions to this rule.

The beauty of Liberalism (not to be confused with today’s Leftist bent) is that there is a division between the Public and the Private, and that the citizenry and the government both have their respective rights, responsibilities, powers and obligations. Feminism, on the other hand, seeks to destroy that balance [c]. It demonizes not just men, but also traditionally minded women (like my wife for example) who choose to emphasize family over career, and the home over the public square.

Every person has innate inclinations [d]. Some want to work, others not. Some want to marry, others not. I really don’t mind what an individual person does, so long as the personal idea of freedom is equally balanced with the freedoms of others, so that the needs of society are balanced with the freedom of the individual, so long as the innocent are protected and the guilty punished, and that reasonable persons can enter into oaths, covenants, and contracts, free from duress and coercion, and abide by the oaths they have spoken.

Leftist feminism, on the other hand, seeks to manipulate in order to gain power, uses the State to enforce its aims [e], and denies Men and women both the freedom to choose what is just and good, in addition to absolving women of any form of maturity or moral responsibility [f].

It is interesting that our author should mention the spreading of seed. I personally support Polygamy [g], for religious and logical reasons. By our very nature, men and women are different, in very profound [***] ways.

In matters of sex, Dr. Louann Brizendine, M.D., author of the Impressive work The Female Brain, tells us that:

The Great Sexual Divide

“The sex related centers in the male brain are actually about two times larger than parallel structures in the female brain. When it comes to the brain, size does make a difference in the way women and men think about, respond to, and experience sex. Men, quite literally, have sex on their minds more than women do. They feel pressure in their gonads and prostates unless they ejaculate frequently. Males have double the brain space and processing power devoted to sex as females. Just as women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion while men have a small country road, men have O’Hare Airport as a hub for processing thoughts about sex whereas women have the airfield nearby that lands small and private planes. That probably explains why 85 percent of twenty to thirty year old males think about sex every fifty two seconds and women think about it once a day--- or up to three or four times on their most fertile days. That makes for interesting interactions between the sexes. Guys often have to talk women into having sex. It’s usually not the first thing on women’s minds(Brizendine, p.91.).

Continuing on with the idea that women are less sexual than men, consider this piece by the BBC:

“Security 'bad news for sex drive'

Differences in sexual appetite may be driven by evolution.

A woman's sex drive begins to plummet once she is in a secure relationship, according to research. Researchers from Germany found that four years into a relationship, less than half of 30-year-old women wanted regular sex. Conversely, the team found a man's libido remained the same regardless of how long he had been in a relationship.

Writing in the journal Human Nature, the scientists said the differences resulted from how humans had evolved. The researchers from Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital interviewed 530 men and women about their relationships.

They found 60% of 30-year-old women wanted sex "often" at the beginning of a relationship, but within four years of the relationship this figure fell to under 50%, and after 20 years it dropped to about 20%.

In contrast, they found the proportion of men wanting regular sex remained at between 60-80%, regardless of how long they had been in a relationship.


The study also revealed tenderness was important for women in a relationship.
About 90% of women wanted tenderness, regardless of how long they had been in a relationship, but only 25% of men who had been in a relationship for 10 years said they were still seeking tenderness from their partner. Dr Dietrich Klusmann, lead author of the study and a psychologist from Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital, believed the differences were down to human evolution.

He said: "For men, a good reason their sexual motivation to remain constant would be to guard against being cuckolded by another male."But women, he said, have evolved to have a high sex drive when they are initially in a relationship in order to form a "pair bond" with their partner. But, once this bond is sealed a woman's sexual appetite declines, he added…”

So the old idea that Men give love to get sex, and women give sex to get love, seems to be validated by modern research. It is ironic, however, that science is just now proving what the Ancients already knew. And while each individual man and woman is unique, this 'sexual divide' holds true across the aggregate.

And so, in response to Claritus’s attempt to label our healthy male sex drives a “double standard”, I boldly state that there is nothing two-faced about it. We were created this way, and Man is NOT a monogamous creature by nature.

And while it is necessary to place limitations on innate behavior for the sake of society, I think that the burden placed on men is too great, and the yoke on women, far too light in our post feminist age. Women should be married to one man for the sake of stability and accountability, and a man, if he is able, should be allowed to build a polygamous household. But I digress.

Human nature is like a river. You can deny the rushing waters, but the river always finds a way to channel its natural flow. Sometimes dammed rivers lead to destructive floods. Such is the case with men, love and sex in our time.

All in all, this is another example of our author's great fallacy:

Writing from her “feelings”, instead of dealing in facts.

While our author goes on to address other issues in her post, my analysis stops here, as I have proved my point:

Claritus is ill-informed about a great many things, and poses no threat in the slightest to our movement.

Furthermore, she is a writer that is not to be taken seriously by MRAs, as her weak arguments are easily countered by the spotlight of Truth. In addition, her endorsement of the doctrines of a KNOWN hate movement that has crippled Men, women and society makes her guilty by association.

A friend of feminists is no friend of mine. I can only hope, for her own sake, that she disassociates herself from such a notorious group of man haters.

If she renounces her feminist ties, and demonstrates that she has done serious and scholarly research, I for one, might reconsider my stance. In the meantime, I will chalk her up with the ever decreasing group of amateur feminist apologists.



MikeeUSA said...

Yea I read that female's post. She's a feminist through and through (even a woman who is even slightly a women's rights advocate is not worth listening to).

Could we swap links. I have an MRA weblog at . (If you do put a link
to it please tell me in a comment on one of the articles so I know).

Anonymous said...

May I ask a question regarding your views on polygamy. Since the population is roughly half and half male and female, and presumably men would like to take more than one wife, what would happen to the males left over? Wouldn't society pressure them into becoming cannon fodder or taking the worst of the most dangerous jobs? In the end, isn't polygamy screwing over men?
Not to be argumentative, just genuinely curious. :)

julie said...

Kumo, I love your site and I have enjoyed reading your posts.

But you and other guys are above me in society. I have something to offer my children through a business my grandfather made (worth millions)and I also worked after hours but I don't think I am in you league.

I truly wish the MRA the best but I think our family and other families I know are not like you.

You speak from a male who has made well before having children but you don't seem to know that many men and women marry around the same age and have children young. You have forgotton about us. But then maybe you don't know about us. Maybe you were brought up priviledged. I don't like the MRA anymore. You seem selfish to me as the feminists do.

julie said...

Pressed send to early. So I shall continue.

Kumo, where are your roots? What about your people? This is what I thought you were about. I thought you would represent the black community.

Are you even married?

Anonymous said...

Julie, if you had read this article you would have seen Kumo mention his wife. And all your other questions are answered throughout the blog.

Anonymous said...

Can I just make the point that in no way, shape or form did I claim to be writing a fact filled post? Did you read the ground rules in my blog? I said I would make it clear what was my opinion and what was fact. Yes, it is true that I have only seen one side of both feminist writings and MRA writings, but if you object to that, maybe you could guide me to the correct ones to read? I'm afloat on the river with no paddle, to be honest. I want to learn, but I only see part of what is going on. Anyway, I'm sorry the emotion was not to your taste, but it DID work. I can actually think now.

Kirigakure said...


Thanks for the assist man. Appreciate it!


I will email you, if that is ok.


Welcome. You are always welcome here, so long as you are respectful. I don't mean to be brash, but please read through my blog for a while. I hope that it will enlighten you as to what is really going on here.

I don't condemn ALL women as being untrustworthy, whorish, etc, but there are a great many out there that are. These women need to be critized for their actions, and since no one else dares to do it, its up to us MRAs to get the word out.

You will find that I am a great lover of women... if I didn't give a crap, I wouldn't be giving them the rough treatment that I do from time to time.

My goal, is to shock, and to break through all the feminist brainwashing they have received their entire lives. I sense that you are looking for answers, but my advice is that you renounce feminism ENTIRELY, and look to the generations of women past who were moral, feminine, and beloved by men, women, and children alike for inspiration.

I thank you for reading, and hope you visit again soon.

Kirigakure said...

btw, my thoughts on Polygamy are forth coming.

Anonymous said...

women are so funny. You support men's rights ONLY if it sounds nice to you. And YET YOU SAY NOTHING WHEN YOU HEAR WOMEN TREATING AND BAD-MOUTHING OTHER MEN.

This proves two things:

1) Women are illogical. what matters is TRUTH not how the truth sounds to you. THE POLITICAL IS NOT THE PERSONAL. Just because we call out certain women as whores DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE CALLING YOU ONE.

Jeez. Get a grip!!!

2) WOMEN DO NOT AND CANNOT LOVE MEN. Women can have great affection for men, they may even care for them. But the are INCAPABLE of selflessly loving a man. (If you doubt me, should your man lose his job and can't find work for TWO YEARS will you still love him?? CASE CLOSED).

No wonder the Bible doesn't command women to love their husbands, BUT the bible does command men to BE NOT EMBITTERED AGAINST their wives.

Julie and Claritus---

STOP TAKING THINGS PERSONALLY. The MRA movement ISN'T ABOUT YOU. It is about FEMINISM. See the difference.

WOMEN, despite what society communicates to you-----


Lest you didn't hear what I said because you were too busy dismissing my words cuz it didn't "sound nice" to you, let me repeat it again:


Try looking at things NOT from your selfish perspective.

You women talk about understanding. Try understaanding why men would be so angry- FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIVES..

After that, JUST TRY supporting men. If you truly want to help and reverse the effects of feminism here are some things that you can do in your personal lives:

1) SPEAK UP when a woman is publicly humiliating her husband/boyfriend in public OR is telling you in private how bad he is.
2)Treat men with RESPECT (regardless of whether or not he deserves it. If he doesn't DON'T associate with him. NO WOMAN CAN CHANGE A MAN SO STOP WITH THAT NONSENSE).
3) Be a women WORTHY OF respect. That you have a pussy DOES NOT automatically mean you are repsectable. RESPECT IS EARNED.

and finally


but of course, you'll ignore everything I say because I didn't say it in a NICE WAY. I was too MEAN for your taste.

I thought women were the ones who matured faster than men.

Anonymous said...

"but of course, you'll ignore everything I say because I didn't say it in a NICE WAY. I was too MEAN for your taste.

I thought women were the ones who matured faster than men."

Tba, isn't that "shaming language"?

Anonymous said...

I don't like the MRA anymore. You seem selfish to me as the feminists do.

Julie you TRULY DISAPPOINTMENT me. I absolutely loved going to your blog and I've always thought a woman helping to try and "BALANCE THE GENDERS" was a good thing. Maybe I was wrong and the other skeptical mra's were right. Maybe women have no business in the mra movement. I really hope I'm wrong on this.

How can you say that you NOW don't like the mra movement? what because Kumo supports polygamy? I have no opinions on the matter and I for one would NEVER marry more than one woman. That's multiple headaches in my life.

It certainly isn't about the way Kumo chooses his worlds because he is one of the most respectable and fair-minded of the mras in the way he presents the issues.

As selfish as the feminists? YOU WON'T FIND AN MRA who advocates beating women "to a bloody pulp". Or believes that men need women "as a fish needs a bicycle" Ok on the second one, some do.

But all the men want is to be TREATED WITH RESPECT. Where on TV is that so? What laws respect men? How many women respect men- truly respect, not just repeat the words "i respect men".

No mra wishes harm against women, nor do they wish to prevent them from being mothers to their children, nor do they want to cripple women financially (in the event of a divorce). Like Aretha Franklin said.

R. E. S. P. E. C. T.

just a little bit.

Even after 40 years of hatred, malevolence, and misandrist laws NO MAN WANTS TO EXACT REVENGE TO THE SAME LEVEL AS WOMEN HAVE DONE AGAINST MEN. Men are not vindictive. They will accept women back with open arms. We may not forget, BUT we certainly will forgive.


Women, you should count your lucky stars that men haven't resorted to violence.

julie said...


I am sorry that I have disappointed you. And i have heard what you are saying. It may be that I need a break from feminists and masculinists. And from conspiracy.

Unknown said...

My two cents:

I think essentially what Julie is saying is that she is fed up with either side conceeding no ground. That each side believes they hold the "universal truth", but she's starting to realize that there is no such thing.

It essentially comes down to neither side acknowledging the others actual legitimate issues and putting aside perceptions to have mutual dialog.

To clarify, by us not accepting the reality that there are men whom would subjegate women, how can we expect women to acknowledge the reverse?

Because of this natural stalemate we cannot find a mutual consensus on what policy should be, we revert to attempts in opinion suppression to pass what the controlling majority wants without regards to the minority. The stalemate and lack of mutual dialog further nessesitates an authoritarian approach to policy, creating even more faction, further entrenching the stalemate, and when failures come, both sides, once again unable to concede anything, find any reason they can to blame the other.

Unknown said...

To add:

It essentially comes down to lifestyle choices. As Kumo had previously pointed out, there are many different types of women and men. Because of this, there are multiple types of beliefs. Which is why liberatarianism is so appealling to people wishing to stop the battles over issues. The only way we can stop the stupid bickering is by removing power from the Federal Government and reestablish state power.

The Federal Government is only one body, and only one set of rules. Because of this, it requires that there only be one "truth", and essentially has no room for differing ideals. If power was in the states, we would have room for 50 different viewpoints because there would be 50 different sets of rules. Were in one state they could choose to fund abortions through state funds, another could ban it. The only universal truths would be those in the Constitution, reestablishing the importance of that document.

Ask yourself this, does it matter if feminists control 10 states as long as there was a place that MRA's controlled? Does it matter if one state bans guns as long as there is a state that doesn't care? State power is the one check against majority rule and minority oppression that people have forgotten.

Anonymous said...

julie I have no beef against you, I just dont' like teh idea of automatically writing something off simply because of the way the idea is presented.

What should matter is whether or not what is presented is TRUTH. You may not like the messenger (you are free to hate him) but the message- IF TRUE- shouldn't be disregarded. And it angers me with so-called conservative women or female supporters in general throw away support of an ideal because of the way the messenger relayed the ideas.

That is all. No harm no foul.

Kirigakure said...


Let me respond to you here.

"Kumo, I love your site and I have enjoyed reading your posts."

Thank you!

"But you and other guys are above me in society. I have something to offer my children through a business my grandfather made (worth millions)and I also worked after hours but I don't think I am in you league."

Julie old buddy... don't think like that! I'm not rich. I'm doing ok, and wifey and I are living nicely, by the Grace of God, but I am far from independently wealthy.

I'm out here trying to better myself, learn new things, and try to share what I've learned with others, just like our fellow MRAs.

As a matter of fact, I still have a lot of growing to do, so I am not above anybody!

^ ^

"I truly wish the MRA the best but I think our family and other families I know are not like you."

While I have had some interesting life experiences, I really am your typical MRA/Husband/American trying to scrape by.

See, this blog, unlike some of the other MRA blogs, is philosophical. I deal in the physical, but I like to explore the mental.

While I like to press the envelope, and eliminate some mental roadblocks thrown up by the powers that be, I also realize that not everything I advocate or expound on is going to materialize in the real world.

The important thing is to understand the knowledge, and then act upon that knowledge appropriately. For example, since I learned (from MRAs and from personal experience) that women from Asia are better marriage partners than American women, I decided to eliminate American women from my pool of bachelorettes.

The mind is a powerful thing. People can achieve what they will, if they seek their goals with their whole heart. Once you know what to look/ask for, you can make it come to pass.

So, I guess the difference between me and the Average Joe is that I apply the esoteric knowledge I have gained from various disciplines, including my MRA research.

"You speak from a male who has made well before having children but you don't seem to know that many men and women marry around the same age and have children young."

Actually, I have struggled my entire life to get to where I am today, and I had assistance from some very powerful and influential mentors as well. I do know that people marry and have children young, but that's not MY main focus. I leave certain topics to other writers. What I don't cover, my comrades, such as yourself, will cover.

This way, our blogs are unique, and our readers will learn different things from different bloggers.

"You have forgotton about us. But then maybe you don't know about us. Maybe you were brought up priviledged. I don't like the MRA anymore. You seem selfish to me as the feminists do."

I haven't forgetten. I grew up poor, in the Ghetto, to a Single Mother on Welfare.

I am a living embodiment of everything that is wrong with feminist family values. Sometimes, I didn't eat at night and went to sleep to forget about the hunger.

Sometimes, when our gas was cut off, I had to take cold showers, in winter.

No, I knew early on that the way we were living was DEAD WRONG. I knew that this was not the way things were supposed to be.

And fortunately, God (Blessed be He) gave me the smarts to work my way out of that situation. I have never been arrested, and I have never been to jail. I never robbed anyone, and I never sold drugs, or did anything criminal.

I used my head, asked for help when I needed it, studied, prayed, meditated, and trained in order to escape from an otherwise Hellish situation.

I have witnessed crime. I have seen domestic violence, up close. I have seen dead bodies. I have been threatened with death. I have been in Marijuana filled rooms with crack cocaine on tables, with loaded AK-47 assault rifles in the corner.

No, I have no silver spoon in my mouth.


The life I have lived, the books I have read, the wise people who have counseled me, the secret knowledge I have been given access to, made me the person I am today...

Someone who hates falsehood, feminism, and hypocrasy.

And, someone who is willing to make the effort to change things, even if it hurts other people at times, because I have been on the bottom, and I'll be damned if my kids start life the way I did, because I bought into the fe-matrix.

julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
julie said...


I just want to add that you are remarkable. You really deserve a pat on the back for what you have made of your life. You are an inspiration for younger men.

It is not easy to do what you have done and you have definately earn't my RESPECT.

TBA, thanx for giving me another chance. I won't let you down. My story is similar to Kumo's. I am fortunate for what I have been through in some respects. For I am open minded. And that is one very special tool to have in life.

Mind you, when you are going through the tough times, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, you can always paint a picture of your own future and if you come to a cross road and choose the wrong path, you can always stop, come back and choose again.

Kirigakure said...

"I just want to add that you are remarkable. You really deserve a pat on the back for what you have made of your life. You are an inspiration for younger men.

It is not easy to do what you have done and you have definately earn't my RESPECT."

^ ^;

No no. I'm just some young guy doing his thang... nothing special.

But thanks for your kind words buddy!

Tough people last, tough times don't. We're all gonna be ok in the end. Truth will prevail, and there is a good chance it can be in our lifetimes.


Anonymous said...

Hi there.

Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Thank you for that comment kumogakure. I have been looking around your blog, and I'm finding that I do understand things better. Thanks a lot!

btw, have you heard of fourth wave feminism?
