Monday, September 14, 2009

Things to think about.


Sorry I've kept you. I have been busy pouring through various VAWA related publications in preparation for my next series of posts.

As I read the various documents, I'm amazed how much fiat fundage flows to feminist pork projects...

So bear with me so I can make sense of all this before I start talking about the virtues of feminist finance.

In the meantime, I would like to leave you with some interesting links:

1) C-Span coverage of the 09-12-09 Taxpayers March on Washington (courtesy of

Please take a few moments and check it out.

Needless to say, I'm glad that so many attended this protest, and that it was carried on all of the major media outlets. Unless Americans want to doom themselves to eternal serfdom, we need to let it be known that ONLY limited, Constitutional government that protects life, liberty, and property is acceptable.

We have created government to be an impartial referee that upholds the natural rights and responsibilities of ALL the People. We DO NOT need government to be an all powerful ruler that micromanages all aspects of people's lives.

It feels good to know that Americans have finally caught the protest bug, because, as many first time protests have probably discovered, the spoken and written Word has tremendous power.

Remember Team:

No realization of a given goal can come into fruition without the use of Sanmitsu:

Thoughts, Words, and Deeds working together in harmony.

Complaining about the state of affairs solves nothing by itself. Only thinking deeply about a problem accomplishes nothing. Mindless action is a waste of time.

When you do all of the above however...

In any event, methinks that the Washington protest will be the first of many. And I predict that the protests will only be more strident and high profile until the government is forced to straighten up and fly right.

See this passage from Machiavelli's The Prince that explains why Americans will NEVER completely forsake their traditions of liberty. After all, all POWER is in the hands of the People.

2) Please watch this fascinating series of videos by Dr. Bruce Lipton. He makes a very strong argument that beliefs held by the mind control one's multi-dimensional reality. His observation is supported by thousands of years of religious and spiritual teachings about the nature of Mind, Body and Soul, as well as the personal testimony of legions of people throughout the ages.

Dr Lipton's work supports my own thesis that one must be very, very careful about what you consider as truth, and what belief system colors your view of the world.

Unfortunately, many people do not consciously and rationally choose their beliefs based on research, reflection, contemplation, and real life experience. Instead, they believe whatever their "Higher Authorities" have implanted in their minds, and then proceed to build castles of stone upon intellectual foundations of sand.

My personal truthseeking quest began about three years ago... and I am still searching. I am constantly questioning facts, figures, and belief systems to find out what the truth actually is. More often than not, I have found that there are usually multiple points of view regarding any general subject, and that perception and desire play a large role in shaping a religious system, a scientific study, or a school of economics.

However, there are a few key Universal Laws that apply at all times and under all circumstances, and the application of these principles allows one to achieve a desired state of being.

Now a key point here is... what is the desired state of being? What is the goal?

And most importantly... Is this desired outcome something you have chosen, or are you bringing about the goals and objectives of somebody else? Are these outcomes in your best interest? Are you in control of the process, or is someone else pulling your strings??

In short, my friends, I am asking that you take a hard look at your basic assumptions about life. Are they yours? Or are they the ideals and dreams of someone else? Do your beliefs help you accomplish the things you want to do in life, or are they harmful to yourself and others? Do your beliefs harmonize with the Universal Laws that govern all levels of existence?

Or to restate the question: Are you a feminist? Why are you a feminist? Who told you to be a feminist? Do the desired goals and outcomes of feminism help yourself and others or are they harmful? Do feminist goals and objectives lead to greater happiness, productivity, wealth, and spiritual growth in the real world, or do they impede these things?

Review, Examine, and Guard your thoughts carefully my Dear Readers. There are a lot more psychic vampires in the world than you might think...

3) Ron Paul's latest book, End the Fed.

This book, along with the Creature from Jekyll Island, explains in bloodcurdling detail the fraud that is the Federal Reserve, as well as why it should be abolished completely.

Short, crisp, and powerful, End the Fed is a must, must read.

Alright team, it's time for me to get back to my Laboratory.

See you next crime...


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