Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Writing on the Wall.

Ladies and gents,

Thanks for your patience as I work on my next series of posts.

Slightly off topic for a second, I should note that the family and I have just returned from Toronto, Canada.

Gyokko the Kidd works damn hard, so I decided to visit our northern neighbor for some much needed R&R. And let me tell you... I came away very impressed. We had an awesome time, outstanding micro brewed beer, and the locals were excellent hosts besides. I haven't experienced such a level of Metropolis sized politeness since I left Japan.

And of course, your humble author dropped in on the Toronto Stock Exchange, and visited some of the major players on Bay Street.

(What can I say? I'm a total Finance junkie. So sue me!!!)

Another amusing observation: Women literally mobbed my eight month old son wherever we went. From 5 years old to 50, ladies of all extractions fawned over him like groupies on an aging rock star.

Yep Yep... a chip off the old block! He is definitely going to be a heartbreaker... and fully informed about the dangers of marriage and family life if political feminism is still an issue when he comes of age. And if the femmes are still squawking their useless and irrelevant crappola... then I pity the feminist who tries to break my boy's spirit. He shall be well schooled to underhanded feminist tactics.

Poor dears.

But enough about me and my international adventures. I wanted to share these jewels with you while I continue my research.

First up, Mr. Howard Katz explains why there is No Retirement:

... The first thing to learn about retirement is that it is a fairly new idea in the scheme of things. Prior to 1785-86, there was no retirement. Everybody worked until they died (unless they were rich, in which case they did not work at all).

Retirement was invented in 1785-86 by Noah Webster, who is best known for being the author of the first American dictionary. Webster, then a young man, took a trip through the 13 newly independent states in 1785-86. He talked to state legislators and other influential people, and he convinced them to legalize interest. (This was only done in the northern states; the South waited until after the Civil War.) The following year the British philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, wrote a paper entitled, “In Defense of Usury [Interest],” and interest was legalized in Britain shortly thereafter.

Once receiving interest was legal, people began to save. A normal rate of interest from 1788 until 1933 was 5%. As people saved, they would put their money in the savings bank or purchase a corporate bond. Here is how it worked. Suppose a man whose average salary was 30 oz. of gold per year saved an average of 6 oz. each year. His first year’s savings receives interest for 49 years (age 16 to 65). His last year’s savings receives interest for 1 year. His average year’s savings receives interest for 25 years. This means that the money he saves multiplies by 3.4 times due to the working of compound interest. If you can save 6 oz. of gold each year, then over a 49 year working lifetime, he has saved 294 oz. of gold. Since compounding at 5% per year multiplies this by 3.4, he now as a total capital of 999 oz. of gold. At 5% interest, he would receive earnings of 50 oz. of gold per year, 1.7 times his annual salary. With this incentive, Americans (and British) began to save. They would quit work at age 65 and live off the interest on their accumulated savings. This had never before happened in world history...

Notice that individuals at this time did not have to speculate in the financial markets, or pay expensive brokers, commissions, and money managers. Also note that, along with the compounding of interest that occurred year after year, the value of the (gold or silver) money saved gradually increased over time due to advances in technology and productivity.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is wealth creation and capital formation.

When I and others harp about why inflation is harmful to your financial health (unless you are a savvy businessman or an investment banker who knows how to profit in an inflationary environment), this is what I am talking about. The ignorance of the people, and the cunning of the financial overlords who are supposed to be guiding the average investor to "retirement" and "financial freedom" leads to debt slavery, a greatly reduced quality of life, and eventual death without having anything to show for their years and years of hard work.


Once a honored institution that served to advance the greater society and its members, it has now been altered, by legal sleight of hand, into a virtual deathtrap. Once an institution that contributed greatly to wealth, happiness, and virtue, it has been perverted into a sacrament that leads to ruination and despair.

All due, once again, to the ignorance of the people, and the treachery of those who claim to be our authority figures.

My ultimate point being: Feminism is a symptom of a larger malaise. Recognize, Accept, and Adjust as needed. No one is going to do it for you, and Going Your Own Way is critical to your survival and happiness.

Be sure to read the entire piece, as it is extremely important that you understand the implications and adjust your gameplan accordingly.

Next up:

Please watch this video featuring Mr. Jim Rickards.

This is a sobering clip. Mr. Rickards makes the point that many "hard money" financial types such as Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Ron Paul, and others have made a million times over.

Mainly: The U.S. dollar will be devalued on purpose. And as the dollar goes, so does the wealth and the prosperity of the people. All in the effort to default on Trillions worth of debt. The Gold price will "necessarily" be manipulated by the Fed and others to hide this all important fact from the People.

Again, gentlemen, it's time to Go Your Own Way. No matter what the subject, your sex life, your marriage, your money or your health, someone else wants to impose an agenda upon you that is NOT in your best interests, or in the best interests of the general society.

These people see you as a snail, and they have gallons of SALT that they want to sell you.

It's time to declare your independence gentlemen. And don't forget, in your haste to liberate yourself, that you have a responsibility to unplug other willing souls from the Fematrix.

In solidarity,



Anonymous said...

Extremely informative.

Thank you

Kirigakure said...

Thanks for the comment. I try to post tidbits that are meaningful and can help people make wise decisions.


Anonymous said...

Another great article.

Thanks for the warnings.
