Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Cost of Divorce.

Greetings friends!

I found this handy dandy report entitled: The Taxpayer Costs of Divorce and Unwed Childbearing.

Please take a look when you have time.

Reports like these confirm what I have said in the past: Marriage is the fundamental wealth creating unit in a society. The married family (my definition of marriage includes monogamy and polygyny), generates all manner of efficiencies that other relationship types simply cannot match. Economies of Scale, Division of Labor, greater acquisition of Human and Financial Capital, greater social stability, (usually) higher birthrates; all are benefits that contribute to the explicit and intrinsic value of Marriage.

But if Marriage is wealth producing, then Divorce is a wealth destroyer. And, thanks to heavy handed Government, Feminist, and Private Industrial efforts, No Fault is the law of the land, and all the rage.

The greatest economic tragedy that can befall a man in our modern age is DIVORCE.

And what's more, all of the benefits of Marriage operate in reverse. Diminished Economies of Scale, weakened asset and Capital accumulation, generally lower birthrates or increased levels of out of wedlock births, a greatly reduced standard of living, increased social instability, and lower levels of Human Capital.

In other words, society takes a big hit everytime a family breaks up. The only people who are better off are those involved with the Divorce Industry [1][2].

It should be noted that in all societies at all times, there will be some divorces. It simply can't be helped, because sometimes things fall apart. I'm not against divorce per se, but I am against cultural attitudes, feminist socialist ideology, and corrupt government programs and agencies that seek to generate as many divorces as possible, people, society and future economic prosperity be damned.

Note that I said feminist socialism. This is because Marxist Socialism, the Father of Feminist ideology, was and is a political as well as an ECONOMIC attack upon "Bourgeoisie" economic and political regimes, such as the formerly classically Liberal United States.

Once this is understood, we can discover why No Fault divorce was such a priority for Leftists. Destroy the family unit, and seize control of the nation. Create the problem, and implement your "solution."

Getting back to our study, Mr. Benjamin Scafidi notes that:

THIS STUDY PROVIDES THE FIRST RIGOROUS ESTIMATE of the costs to U.S. taxpayers of high rates of divorce and unmarried childbearing both at the national and state levels.

Why should legislators and policymakers care about marriage? Public debate on marriage in this country has focused on the “social costs” of family fragmentation
(that is, divorce and unwed childbearing), and research suggests that these are indeed extensive. But marriage is more than a moral or social institution; it is also an economic one, a generator of social and human capital, especially when it comes to children.

Research on family structure suggests a variety of mechanisms, or processes, through which marriage may reduce the need for costly social programs. In this study, we adopt the simplifying and extremely cautious assumption that all of the taxpayer costs of divorce and unmarried childbearing stem from the effects that family fragmentation has on poverty, a causal mechanism that is well-accepted and has been reasonably well-quantified in the literature.

Based on the methodology, we estimate that family fragmentation costs U.S. taxpayers at least $112 billion each and every year, or more than $1 trillion each decade. In appendix B, we also offer estimates for the costs of family fragmentation for each state.

These costs arise from increased taxpayer expenditures for antipoverty, criminal justice, and education programs, and through lower levels of taxes paid by individuals who, as adults, earn less because of reduced opportunities as a result of having been more likely to grow up in poverty.

The $112 billion figure represents a “lower-bound”or minimum estimate. Given the cautious assumptions used throughout this analysis, we can be confident that current high rates of family fragmentation cost taxpayers at least $112 billion per year.

The estimate of $112 billion per year is the total figure incurred at the federal, state, and local levels. Of these taxpayer costs, $70.1 billion are at the federal level, $33.3 billion are at the state level, and $8.5 billion are at the local level.

Taxpayers in California incur the highest state and local costs at $4.8 billion...

Sobering numbers, but serious researchers in this area already know the enormous costs of family breakdown. And what's really ironic is if you look at the amount of money that the Federal government and the States are actually taking in from Child Support Enforcement, fees, and other family destruction revenue, then our governments, State and Federal, are destroying society and losing money in the process [a][b].

Advanced students of the unintended consequences of Divorce and Child Support, from an Economic perspective, might want to skim through The Law and Economics of Child Support Payments. While it's not Man friendly, it is another piece of evidence that confirms what many have been saying all along:

Stable married families are the most efficient and economical of social living arrangements, while divorce, and the child support regime, are among the most economically destructive social arrangements.

In conclusion:

While reports such as these are helpful in proving that Marriage is the premier wealth and capital producing social structure, the fact is that our enemies in academia, government, business and entertainment, simply don't give a damn about killing the Golden Goose.

Just like our political and economic liberties are being sacrificed on the altar of Government intervention, so to is our family and marriage cultures.

The fundamental problem is ignorance. Some pursue useless objectives deliberately, others do so unintentionally.

Ignorance of economics, of politics, of human nature, and the critical fact that Rights and Responsibilities are One.

Ignorance and the desire, by feminists and others, to overthrow reality, instead of seeing how life truly IS. This is why so many famous feminist icons come to regret the ignorance of their youth, too late of course.

So what to do?

The enemy of ignorance is correct teaching. Therefore, those of us who know what is wrong, and possess positive solutions must educate the masses at every turn.

Lies must be challenged, and misconceptions must be utterly destroyed, without mercy.

Understand that some people live only to create chaos and strife. Feminists and other Psychic Vampires aren't going to all of a sudden read reports like these and change their ways. Change is only going to come when the arguments and the philosophies of the deluded are smashed into ten thousand very small and crunchy pieces.

Sacred Cows, such as "Women good, Men bad," "The Personal is the Political," and all that Jazz must be sacrificed.

MRAs who possess wisdom have to lead by example. We have to support those who support us, and conquer those who oppose us. No excuses, and no exceptions.

Because, nothing is going to change just because an unknown researcher has released a study that most people would have no ability to understand, no matter how relevant or truthful the contents. People need guides, or those who can translate knowledge from an academic PDF file into something that makes sense on an intuitive level, although one could argue that people already know the truth of things in their hearts, but they are operating on (forcefully installed) defective and corrupt Operating Software.

That's where we come in. Our task is to take out the feminist garbage, and polish the sullied reputation and downtrodden honor of Marriage, Family, and Harmony between the sexes.


Please read this information, understand the underlying truths, and spread the word far and wide.

This is how we win.



Anonymous said...

You said it, bro!

And the high cost is in more than just dollars & cents!

Anonymous said...

There's only one way to avoid divorces and its pitfalls: do not marry in the first place.


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