Thursday, April 3, 2008

Careerism Destroys Civilizations!

Found this interesting article from the Korea Times.

See, although Asia is slowly becoming more Woman Firster, you can still find truthful, feminist unfriendly reporting every now and again:

Higher Education Hinders Women From Marriage

The more education women have, the less likely they are to marry, according to an analysis report by the Korea Development Institute (KDI) Monday.

The institute also noted that if women receive bigger paychecks they opt to not walk down the aisle, choosing to develop their careers rather than embarking on life-long matrimony.

With an increasing number of women working in the business front, the marriage rates for women with more than a college education have been steadily declining since 1997. Its survey showed only 37 percent of women under 27 tied the knot in 2005, down from 83 percent 10 years ago.

``Besides improved working conditions and benefits for women, rising private education and cost of living are making women shun marriages,'' it said.

The KDI noted that when women invest more time in academic studies, their probability of getting married drops by 5 to 8 percent. This goes the same for wages. When women see their earnings grow, the marriage probability shrinks by as much as 53 percent.

The institute forecast that such a trend is likely to continue, leading to an increasing drop in the country's birth rate...

Once again, we find that feminism has economic and social consequences that can't be ignored.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm not against women being educated, but I am against women being brainwashed by feminists and society at large to place career over everything else in life.

My wife, for example, is highly educated. She took Calculus and advanced mathematics when she was in High School, something that most American students don't tackle until College. On top of that, she went to one of the best universities in Japan, and she learned English well enough to study abroad and get with yours truly...

But I digress.

The point is that I want and need an intelligent woman that not only can hold a conversation with me, but can instruct our children and help them with their education.

What I don't want is some overbearing American style Career Chick who wakes up at 35 only to realize that her Baby Rabies are in full effect, or who views her husband and children as mere accessories that compliment some feminist wet dream.

And that is why Men the world over shouldn't marry a Hardcore Ball Breaking Career Woman.

Education, family, and common sense are NOT mutually exclusive.

Balance is the key. And our society is going to learn what the Golden Mean is... the hard way.



Anonymous said...

We should make do with what we got.
Ideally, career women should not marry and should not reproduce.

This way, society can benefit from their education, as they become more productive.

These women can be seen as the busy bees who will work hard and cost society next to nothing in maintenance.

In a beehive,the worker bees are productive and they cost nothing, since they gather their own food on top of the food needed for the needs of the hive.

This is how a cereer woman can really be useful to society, but she has to be maintained celibate.
There are enough other (non-career)women for human reproduction. We have the make the best use of human resources.


Kirigakure said...

Female worker bees huh?

Interesting thought. I think that women should be free to go to college, get a job, and waste their lives working if they so choose. I am a Libertarian after all.

What I take issue with is the constant shaming and blaming that is heaped upon men when they do the right thing and leave the working girls to their fate and get with that marriageable woman.

And, I think a lot of men are under the impression that a career slavegirl is the most desirable kind of wife, a fallacy that men such as ourselves MUST lay to rest.

To say nothing of the fact that many working women aren't in it for the long haul. After a time, they are looking to get married, get knocked up, and get housewive status.

Unfortunately for today's working woman, she is going to the one responsible for holding up the economies of the West, as men forsake the Corporation for more profitable and fulfilling pursuits. .. an unsustainable proposition.

A healthy society needs to have balance, and true freedom of choice.

If women want to work, that's fine.

If women don't want to work and want to be housewives, that's fine too.

If men don't want to be a wage slave, fine.

If men want to become corporate radiers, that's fine also.

I want to see a "free Market" approach to these matters, and not a deceptive and harmful totalitarian feminist system of worklife and lovelife domination.

Balance is coming.

Anonymous said...

Its survey showed only 37 percent of women under 27 tied the knot in 2005, down from 83 percent 10 years ago.


It appears the goal of the exporters of feminism is population decline and to demoralize men to the point ahbt they dont' even want to fight back.

Anonymous said...

whoa! still 37percent too many though! hehe

Anonymous said...

Hi Togakure

"Balance is coming".

I hope you are right. It must come!!!

It sounds as if we have a lot in common. Balance is my way of life and the path I have been on for some years. I have a set of codes much like a religion and call this way of life: "The Path to Balance".

I am the equalitarian and men's rights activist: Captain Balance (although I have adopted the name Captain MRA for a time). I appear sometimes on some of the sites and blogs that are on your profile. I briefly started a group called Gender United, but I am temporarily leaving the MRM, and so have put this idea on hold. I am also a member of Antimisandry.

There are plans to celebrate International Men's Day on the 5th April in the UK (where I am based) and Ireland. Although it is not yet official I am celebrating the day for the first time ever today. I have decided to celebrate by looking at sites, profiles, etc, in the men's movement that I have not come across before. I had not heard of your site until today.

I hope we bump into each other again. I like a lot of your views. Unfortunately I sometimes get a little stick from other MRAs because I am an equalitarian, but I think that a lot of them have got used to me now. After all I am 100% anti-misandry.

Since the USA doesn't yet have an International Men's Day either, I'll Wish you, Happy IMD! for today.

All the best, bro.
Captain MRA

Kirigakure said...


Welcome! Thanks for your kind words.

Balance is the key to all things. I practice traditional Kemetic (Egyptian) religion, as it is the faith of my fathers.

In Neterianism (Kemetic Religion), there is a concept that you spoke of as balance; we call it Ma'at.

Google it sometime when you have a chance.

I am also 100% against Anti-Misandry, and I am 100% for truth, justice, and order.

It was good to meet you friend, happy Men's Day, and stop by anytime. And, if you have a website or blog, please let me know so I can add it to my blogroll.

Hetep (Peace be unto you!)!