Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hyper Inflation Nation.

Ladies and gents,

Please see the Youtube video below:

This is a nice, compact documentary that makes the case for Hyperinflation.

The Great Inflation/Deflation debate rages in financial circles, and it appears, from my point of view, that these two forces are locked in an epic struggle for dominance.

The massive ongoing printing of money is, by definition, inflationary. On the other hand, the massive, ongoing destruction of credit, as well as the contraction of fractional reserve lending (by which the bulk of our debt based money comes into existence), is a powerful deflationary force.

Which will win the day?

I anticipate inflation, possibly hyperinflation, as being the eventual outcome of this desperate financial war that is being fought on all fronts.

I side with the inflationists because:

1) Governments will do anything to avoid facing the deflationary consequences of their reckless fiscal, monetary, and economic actions.

After all, deflation is the natural state of affairs.

2) The government, and the Banking Cartel via the Federal Reserve, have absolute control over the production and issuance of legal tender on an unprecedented scale. Gold is no longer a barrier to their inflationary ambitions.

3) The mainstream has been thoroughly miseducated as to how Finance and Economics really works. Consequently, intellectuals propose, and policy makers implement, laws and programs that utterly violate the laws of Finance and Economics.

Just like feminist public policy that is based on complete nonsense, our financial policy will lead to nothing but pain and ruin... for those who are not prepared.

On the bright side... our current regime of Political Feminist domination will be smashed.

On the downside, our entire social order might be smashed should hyperinflation take hold. The future, being what it is, is always uncertain.

In any event...

Kick back, keep an open mind, let this film give you some food for thought, and we'll meet in the middle.


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