I hope that everyone is doing well. As usual, I have a lot to say, so let's get to it!
Black Single Mothers: Public Enemy Number One.
Before I speak my mind, let's take minute to listen to Sarge WP's comments on the subject.
It ain't no secret that the black American family in America has been completely destroyed [1][2][3]. While some of you might think that I am overreacting, I'm quite serious when I state that the black American family unit is dead and buried, never to return.
What else can be said when 70% of a people's children are born outside of marriage?
As Sarge explains in the Youtube vid, cultural norms (or lack thereof) are passed on from parent to child. In most societies, the basic family pattern consists of the father, his wife (or wives), and his children. The ideal feminist Matriarchal family [4][5] unit consisting of mothers and children only, is extremely rare and politically, culturally, and economically inferior when compared to families where fathers are present and involved in the lives of their children. History has proven that societies where marriage (and married fathers) is the norm far surpass those that have a weak marriage culture whenever the two come into close contact.
The mightiest and most prosperous civilizations always had strong marriage cultures, and vigorous male involvement in all aspects of civil, religious, and family life.
There is documented evidence that pre-historical African civilizations were strongly matriarchal (see Massey), in terms of lineage, theology, and political structure. And while many African cultures (certainly not all, as Africa is a huge continent with many religious and cultural variables) maintain the trappings of Matriarchy, one would be hard pressed to find the idealized feminist family unit consisting of solely mothers and their offspring; and marriage as an institution is the [6][7][8] dominant form of family organization throughout Africa and the rest of the world.
(Traditional South African Wedding)
(Traditional Village Wedding)
It should be understood that the African woman has always held a place of honor and wields considerable influence in family affairs (Some have suggested that this cultural trait has been leveraged by feminists in modern times for maximum destructive effect, a plausible idea as feminists just love to exploit a society's norms or shortcomings in order to achieve their goals).
However some feminists and other misguided commentators have ignorantly argued that the American social paradigm, in which black women bear and raise the vast majority of children outside of wedlock, and use the power of the State, and the court of Anti-Male public opinion to push fathers out of their children's lives, is nothing more than an "expression of holistic, natural, and traditional African culture" or some other pretentious claim.
To that idea I say... BULLSHIT. The social structure of 2008 America, that has been fueled by feminism and welfarism, is in complete and utter disharmony with the traditional and modern African mind.
Sadly, many in the black community, thanks to a incompetent and corrupt black elite, pro-feminist propaganda in the popular media, and the traditional expectation that the black woman wears the pants in any given situation, have come to believe that having a 70% out-of-wedlock birth rate is right and natural; nevermind that some of the most powerful blacks in America are married and live a lifestyle that the average 'Hood dweller would never even imagine is possible. And, worst of all, these highly successful people not only denounce black men as a group for their "irresponsibility" and their failure "to do tha right thing", they also do absolutely nothing to combat the prevailing attitude amongst the black masses that "marriage is for white people."
In my humble opinion, the whole situation smacks of one rule for me, and another for thee!
Now with all that said, let me tell you a story about what black single mothers, drenched in the toxic waste of black feminism, high on Misandry, and backed up by the full force of the State, teach their daughters on a daily basis. Hopefully, by the end of this morality play, you will understand and take heed when I say that dating single mothers, divorced women, or the children of said women is an absolute No No! Women like these have, more often than not, been taught from an early age to hate men and make their lives miserable.
And with the full power of the State at their command, they can make your life very miserable indeed.
Marriage to such a woman will most likely turn out to be a complete MISSION FAILURE...
It was a quiet day at the office, and Toku was putting the finishing touches on his Spending Projections Excel spreadsheet.
The door suddenly opened, and Renee swept into the office, with her six year old daughter in tow.
Toku, having had his fair share of negative experiences with children that have no respect for men, or no home training to speak of, focused on his work and shut them out of his mind completely as Renee introduced her child to the other women in the office.
While making nice-nice and receiving candy and presents from the office ladies, one co-worker, a devout Christian police officer and mother of five kids, spoke to the child in a conspiratorial whisper:
"Here's some candy for you... just for little girls. If a boy tried to get some candy from me, I'd arrest him! But it's ok for you because we don't arrest little girls, only boys..."
After more pleasantries (and treats) were exchanged, Renee came to my desk and spoke those dreaded words...
"Say Hi to Toku Mikailah!"
"Hi Mikailah, how are you?"
"Get away from me! I don't like stupid boys!!!"
Me, thinking to myself:
** Sigh ** Another child of a single mother who has no respect for her elders, who will grow up hating men for the rest of her life, will probably get pregnant and become a statistic before she graduates high school, and will most likely drag whatever man is stupid enough to impregnate her through the child support court for the remainder of his working life.
Never fails!
Renee: (Complete silence. No reprimand or apology for allowing her daughter to talk to a 30 year old man like I just graduated from kindergarten the day before yesterday.)
After a few uncomfortable moments of silence, I turned back to my work and pretended that the exchange never happened. All the women in the office grinned and were very pleased that Mikailah put another damnable man in his subserviant place. You go girl!!
Renee, remembering that she had a child support hearing to attend at 2:30, starts out of the door.
"Say bye to everyone!"
Child: Taking a last glance at all the women in the office and ignoring my existence:
All co-workers except me: "BYE Honey! Good luck with your hearing! I hope your no-good bastard of an ex-husband gets his ass locked up this time!"
Renee and child smiling and utterly content, walked out of the office.
Toku saved his completed worksheet, and contemplated the difficulties that lie ahead for both Renee and her daughter...
Please note, Dear Reader, that this is based on my real life experiences, for what it's worth.
Because I work with an office full of women, I hear EVERYTHING. The level of Misandry is unbelievable, but it is especially bad when the divorced single mothers open their mouths to spew their hatred against men, which happens a lot.
When it comes to what they teach their children about men... think of Parental Alienation Syndrome on steroids!
Sadly, the real losers in all this are the daughters of single mothers. Every one I have ever met showed nothing but disrespect and contempt for men; much of it learned from their parental unit. They are taught, from an early age, not to marry, not to show respect towards elder men, not to believe that a man could ever do anything good, or that a man could hold their best interests at heart.
Nor are they taught how to distinguish the good guys from the bad boy thugs. All men are equally bad in their eyes; and so they learn too late that there is a difference. Or, they mistake or mistrust a man's kindness, so they equate kindness with weakness and torture the poor schmoe in a multitude of ways.
In other words, the wellspring of acceptance, compassion, and kindness, that every child starts out with, is poisoned to the point where hostility towards men and marriage becomes second nature.
And because of this training, many black women grow up fearful and hostile towards men. They shun marriage and traditional family values; and are utterly toxic on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. Not to say that all women are like this of course, but I would be comfortable in asserting that 80% of the population are not worth dealing with, and are best avoided by men seeking a loving lifelong companion.
Just in case you want a second opinion, please listen as this gentlemen explains that this toxic attitude is one of the biggest reasons why black men avoid black women.
Again, I must stress that women of African extraction are not inherently evil. Far from it. Those of you who have been with black women born and raised OUTSIDE OF THIS COUNTRY know what I'm talking about.
And I'm not saying that 100% of black American women are rude and uncouth. There ARE good black women out there. But like I've said before, 80% of black American women are simply not pleasant to be around... much less mate, marry, and raise children with. As a matter of fact, the wrong woman is definitely hazardous to your health.
The main issue here is that post feminist black American women have been taught, from childhood, to be totally unpleasant at best, and downright violent at worst. And keep in mind that her cultural conditioning is accepted and encouraged by both law and custom. So-called black leaders, such as Cosby, Obama, and others, aid and abet this bad behavior. And woe be unto the innocent man who attempts to change her... restraining orders and domestic violence charges await the foolish one who dares to resist her tyranny, right, wrong, or indifferent.
So, to bring the point home...
a) The death of the American black family has created a vacuum
b) The new cultural norm is single parenthood for black women (aided, abetted, and subsidized by Fedgov and other government entities)
c) The daughters of single mothers are, from an early age, instilled with an attitude of misandry and hostility against marriage
d) Which leads to the continuation of the cycle of out of wedlock childbirth in the black community
e) Which impoverishes and weakens the black American community as a whole leading to more crime, more poverty, and more dependence on government and so-called leaders who are setting up their followers for even greater failure and misery.
Although there are many brave souls who are challenging this vicious circle, one wonders how successful they will be in raising the consciousnesses of the people. And so, you, Dear Reader, should take responsibility to change this situation in your own life, and follow a two pronged plan for effecting mass change.
Unless or until cultural attitudes and laws are reformed to protect and uphold the rights and responsibilities of men, the best thing guys of all races can do to protect themselves is to not meet, mate with, or marry Westernized, feminized women, of any color, and actively encourage their male peers to follow their example.
Blog, write, record Youtube videos, rap songs or poems... do whatever you gotta do to get the word out.
Once this is done, then you can activate the second part of the plan. Since the Awakened man understands that there is a whole wide world of women that are traditionally minded, incredibly kind, in great physical condition, and are more than happy to spend quality time with him, he will then devote his time and energy to seeking out these women instead of setting himself up for failure trying to force American women to change their ways, or even worse, sacrificing himself on the alter of Misandry in a vain attempt to earn their respect and their devotion.
Ultimately, you can't control what women do... but you can always control what you do. You have all the powers of Creation at your command, and you can always choose to Go Your Own Way.
Those who understand this power would change up the familiar saying of "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" to "Out of Mind, Out of Sight." As soon as you decide to honor the request of today's Western woman by staying as far away from her as possible, and choosing to seek out companionship in greener pastures, you are already well on your way.
I know that this can work for you, because it worked for me... big time.
And while obstacles, such as the unconstitutional IMBRA law, seek to keep American men alone and unhappy, there are ways to circumvent such petty regulations in order to find the woman of your dreams.
Or, if you are so inclined, you can travel to exotic destinations and rent the services of a professional until your heart is content.
There is happiness to be found in this world... but the only way you can be successful is to do the correct things, and commit yourself to the right people. And those who KNOW what is right, have to do what is right; even when it is difficult or unpleasant, even if 80% of the world is completely dead set against it.
And from where I'm sitting, marriage and relationships with thoroughly Feminized women, of any color or creed, will not lead to success... only to pain and hardship.
Take heed.
Togakure School: A Day in the Life.
Here at Togakure School, we tend to stick to the hard facts, and shy away from using our life experiences to support our ideals. However, I wanted to take a time out for a minute in order to share this bit of everyday life with you.
As I was driving home from a hard day's work, I began to catalog a list of items I would need for various projects. If my speculations paid off, myself, wife, and cub would be in a very comfortable position in the face of looming economic hard times.
Two new laptops, a 500GB hard drive, a Nintendo Wii...
You get the idea.
So, I says to myself, the quickest way to raise the needed cash would be to get a part time job and earn the money (as I've adopted a cash vs. credit purchase policy). I figured I could work a few months, get all the equipment I needed, and quit shortly thereafter.
Good plan, I said to myself.
As I walked in my front door, I saw my wife sitting in a classical Seiza pose, as Japanese girls often do. She uttered words of welcome, accompanied by a deep bow. I returned her bow, took off my shoes at the door, sat down cross-legged beside her, and informed her of my intention to find part time work.
My wife, being the kind hearted woman she is, was appalled.
An extra job? Didn't I work long hours already? she asked.
I did indeed, I replied. However, in order to complete my projects (and boost our income) in a timely manner, I would need to finance the needed items. I told her that this would be the best way to do so without resorting to credit.
My young wife would not hear of it. What if I became ill from overwork? There must be a better way.
After much discussion, it was determined that she would work additional hours at her part time job, instead of only working one day a week.
I protested, as I worried about her health and the well being of our unborn child.
You should rest, I told her. But, being Japanese, she politely refused to listen. I asked her repeatedly was she sure this was what she wanted to do. I searched her face (a must when communicating with Asian women, as the eyes never lie) for signs that she was only being polite in her offer to increase her scheduled working hours.
Finally, I was assured that she was sincere when she said that I shouldn't worry about getting a part time job.
The conversation concluded, she rose from her seated position and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner from scratch. I went into the bathroom in order to prepare my nightly bath, as I pondered the feasibility of my plans for world conquest...
So what's yer point? you ask.
The moral here, Dear Reader, is manifold:
a) There are women in the world who love, respect, and appreciate their men enough to support him in a cheerful and loving manner.
b) There are women in the world who think of others instead of thinking only about themselves and their own comfort.
c) There are women in the world who understand that the man that loved them enough to marry them usually has their best interests at heart.
d) There are women in the world who fit the definition of the words wife and helpmate.
American women, in their mad dash to destroy Patriarchy in particular and men in general, have lost sight of the fact that a man, if properly appreciated and encouraged, will move heaven and earth to provide for her and her offspring in a manner that no other institution, such as Fedgov, or the local domestic violence shelter, could ever hope to match.
And as a consequence: Man, woman, child and society are much better off.
By sharing with you a bit of my personal life, I want to convey to my readers the happiness, warmth, kindness and loyalty that the cultivated man and the well groomed woman bring to the table.
Most of all, I want men to know that the woman of their dreams does exist. But unfortunately, thanks to insane feminist brainwashing, the man who seeks a lifelong mate will need to travel far in order to meet her. Women of my wife's caliber are incredibly few and far between in the Feminized West. If you should have such a woman on your team, be sure to take the time to appreciate her.
A real woman is a treasure indeed. Good luck gents, and good hunting!
Polygyny and why it's good for you!
Speaking of wives... Men over the centuries have discovered that sometimes, two (or more) wives are better than one.
An African proverb states:
To have one wife is to be one-eyed.
While I've explained, in detail, my reasons for supporting the ancient practice of Polygyny elsewhere, I do want to take a few moments and share some additional information with you, my Valuable Reader.

(One of the fringe benefits of multiple wives...)
From the National Business Review:
Polygamy key to long life
NBR Staff | Friday August 22 2008 - 03:57pm
New research suggests men from polygamous cultures outlive those from monogamous ones by 12 percent on average, according to a report from New Scientist.
Ecologist Virpi Lummaa from the University of Sheffield, UK, studied men aged 60+ from 189 countries on a monogamy scale of one to four – from totally monogamous to mostly polygamous for her research, presented to the International Society for Behavioral Ecology’s annual meeting in New York.
Lummaa and colleague Andy Russell also removed a country’s gross domestic product and average income to try and weed out the effects of better diet and healthcare from monogamous Western states.
Lummaa took pains to emphasise that their monogamy score is “a crude first stab”, and said they are trying to find different ways to assess marriage patterns – so their conclusions may change with further analysis.
It’s possible men who father children in the 60’s and 70’s take better care of themselves because of their dependents, conversely evolutionary forces may select for longer-lived men in polygamous cultures, according to the report.
Chris Wilson, an evolutionary anthropologist from Cornell University in New York who attended the talk said to New Scientist, "It's a valid hypothesis and good prediction."
He added that enjoying the loving attention of several wives who depend on their aging husband’s position in a social hierarchy may be the best explanation.
"It doesn't surprise me that men in those societies live longer than men in monogamous societies, where they become widowed and have nobody to care for them."
Interesting indeed.
We already know that marriage increases a man's lifespan, and we also know that sexual activity is essential for good mental and physical well-being, in addition to the biological importance of regular sexual activity for men in general.
So then, is a man more likely to have frequent "relations" in the confines of a monogamous or a polygamous marriage? The jury seems to be out on this question, but, as I argued previously, there may be a time in a married relationship when the wife is unable or unwilling to meet the man's very real sexual desires. In that case then, is a man justified if he takes another wife or concubine? And more importantly, should society punish a man who takes a mistress, another wife, or a concubine in his hour of need?
If we look at history, tradition, and religion, cultures across space and time have answered that it is permissible to take additional wives, and no, men should not be punished in draconian fashion for doing so. But in modern day America, the polygamous option, which has benefits (and drawbacks) for both men and women, has been forbidden by Supreme Court fiat.
Now isn't it strange, Dear Reader, that the right of men to take more than one wife, and to even be a part of monogamous married life, has been stripped away by the same corrupt institution?
Have not the Courts, who have ruled that Men are subject to child support slave labor, also decided that adults cannot choose to freely enter into polygamous unions?
Does anyone else see a pattern here?
In my opinion, if legal age, consenting adults wish to enter into polygamous unions, then it is their right to do so, although I do support limits to the practice for the sake of social harmony.
After all, Three's Company, four is a crowd!
In any event, I don't claim that polygamy, as a system, is superior to monogamy or celibacy. What I am saying however, is that for certain individuals, it can be the right lifestyle choice, and to prevent free people from exercising their rights by government decree is just as bad as when the rights of men are stripped away from them by the ignorant majority.
For me, in the final analysis, it's the principle of freedom coupled with responsibility that matters.
Togakure sez...
Be sure to check back next time as we discuss Rugged Men, womanly women, and why being a Punk is bad for your social life!
It sounds like you need to do some research on whether to a) get a different job or b) get a transfer to a different department of the same employer.
Remember that there is work in Asia!
Good luck.
Thanks friend.for your comments.
Plans for Operation Expat are in full operating mode...
If that's for real, if you really found a woman like that, then you can talk about your everyday life anytime.
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