Saturday, September 20, 2008

There goes the Dollar...

Check it out...

And with this announcement, and the ban on the short-selling of stocks, expect the collapse of the dollar and the ruination of the national balance sheet to proceed right on schedule.


P.S... this latest move all but assures that Political Feminism gets pushed to the side... big time.

Once Fedgov gives up the ghost and finds itself facing an international crisis with the Treasures and the Dollar at ground zero... Political feminists might find them selves puton tha' muthafuckin' Ho stroll...

... in order to raise cash to pay off Big Daddy Sam's Trillions in liabilities!

Ain't Life grand??



When America rejected Ron Paul, they sealed their economic fate. He was their last chance.



pjanus said...

Ron Paul seems to be talking about Nationalisation, totalitarianism, the big guys owning everything!

Perhaps I was not so far out after all?

Kirigakure said...

Not at all... we are definitely headed down that road unless the American people take heed.

But the future is uncertain. In spite of everything that is happening, I'm optimistic because I believe in Universal Law.

Even if the middle class is punished mightily for their ignorance and willingness to elect such incompetent men to high positions of government, I also know that the Money Men are not exempt from the Law.

They too will be punished (like Bear Stearn's and Lehman Brothers), but the when and the how are uncertain at this point.

But still... the pain will be so great that the masses will BEG Ron Paul to save them.

pjanus said...

They too will be punished (like Bear Stearn's and Lehman Brothers), but the when and the how are uncertain at this point.

Are they the Money Men? I thought they were higher.

pjanus said...

Just a thought. In the Great Depression, many, many banks went to the wall. The Money Men didn't care.

What has Bear Stearn's and Lehman Bros., lost? A few buildings, jobs for the lower order, and other peoples money.

Kirigakure said...

Up until last week, I thought that Lehman brothers was in the inner circle. Bear Sterns? They were hated ever since they were very unhappy in participating in the Long Term Capital Bailout of years past.

My point was that for every action, there is a karmic effect. No human being can escape the consequences of their actions... Money Men or not.

Methinks that when the smoke clears, a whole lotta people are going to get what's coming to them.

I for one can't wait to see how this movie ends...