Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Shroud of the Dark Side...

... has fallen.

Get a load of this video from the Brussels Journal, and check out these pics by White Elefant.

These brave men were arrested for the crime of speaking out against the creeping Islamification of Europe.

Some critics might say that these demonstrators were advocating "intolerance" and "hate."

Frankly, I don't GIVE A DAMN.

I don't care if these guys were the Muthafuckin' Ku Klux Clan (which they are not, btw)...

Free speech means exactly that, FREE SPEECH. By denying these folks their NATURAL RIGHT to have their say in a public, peaceable, and non-violent manner, the leaders of Brussels, and by extension, the EU, have made it quite clear where they stand; that these leaders are indeed full fledged members of the Tyranny of Tolerance.

Europe, in my humble opinion, is the Canary in the Mine; if democracy and FREE SPEECH dies over there, then there will soon be a whole hell of a lot of strife and discord that will rock the entire world.

MRAs, Truthseekers, and Freedom-lovers need to take heed. Because this blatant denial of FREE SPEECH is just a taste of things to come.

Feminism is a symptom of a larger sickness.


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