Monday, August 4, 2008

Financial Sense: Obama's Marxist Connections.

Now for most of us in the Movement, you already know that Obama is a hardcore leftist.

If you want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes, listen to this podcast by the Financial Sense team.

The recording gets to Obama and his Marxist mentors about 2/3rds of the way through. If you have time, listen to the whole presentation; as it is highly informative.

Interestingly, the podcast mentions the name of Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci, an old friend of Men's Rights Activists everywhere:


In 1926, an Italian communist named Antonio Gramsci ended up in Mussolini’s prison after a return from Russia. While there, he wrote his “prison notebooks” and they laid out a plan for destroying Western faith and culture. His plans included ways to undermine and discourage Westerners through the intentional collapse of the existing social structure from within.

Gramsci advocated not only Marxist class warfare, which was economically focused, but also social and cultural warfare at the same time. His theories and the “slow march through the culture” (or institutions) which he envisioned to destroy the West are enshrined in current American social policy. His theories surrounding “hegemony” and a “counter-hegemony” were designed to destroy Western social structure and overthrow the “West” from within.

Hegemony, as defined by Gramsci is that widely accepted system of values, morals, ethics, and social structure which holds a society together and creates a cohesive people. Western social structures holding society together (i.e. “the hegemony”) include: authority, morality, sexual restraint, monogamous marriage, personal responsibility, patriotism, national unity, community, tradition, heredity, education, conservatism, language, Christianity, law, and truth. His theory called for media and communications to slowly co-opt the people with the “counter-hegemony” propaganda message.

"... Hegemony operates culturally and ideologically through the institutions of civil society which characterises mature liberal-democratic, capitalist societies. These institutions include education, the family, the church, the mass media, popular culture, etc." [ii]

Through a systematic attack of these institutions he termed the “slow march through the culture,” Gramsci theorized that once these institutions were sufficiently damaged the people would insist on an end to the madness allowing totalitarian control of the Western world. A similar form of these theories was tried before America by the National Socialists (Nazis) headed by Hitler...

Based on this information, it makes perfect sense that Obama seeks to destroy, demonize, and discredit black men (and all men by extension) at every opportunity.

These same men, if they could put a name to their pain, would be the ones to fight the Senator's proposals with all of their being. If they fully understood Classical Liberalism, Free Markets, Low Taxes, Sound Money, and the negative effects that feminism and socialism have wrought upon the black community, they would resist Obama's manifesto for "Change."

Some of them, for reasons differing from my own, already are:

Touching on the issue of fanatical support within the black community for the Senator, some of my peoples on the street believe that the economic and political concepts I advocate are "for white people", or "Republican", and therefore reject them out of hand without doing any serious research and analysis for themselves.

That attitude just goes to show how far we as a people have fallen. Fredrick Douglas, as an example, would never accept socialism as a solution to the black man's problems.

There is nothing "white" about keeping the fruits of your labor, instead of forfeiting it all to the State, which is only going to squander it anyway.

There is nothing "Republican" about having inalienable Constitutional rights that cannot be legislated away by government.

There is nothing wrong with having a stable currency that fulfils the traditional definitions of money:

A) A unit of account
B) A store of value
C) A medium of exchange

There is nothing immoral about black people, or anyone else, having access to cheap, functional arms for their self defense. In fact, poor people in high crime areas need weapons more than the rich, most of whom spend considerable sums for their own security.

Black people would be much better off under a system that actively upheld Constitutional principles, maintained a stable currency linked to gold or silver, and allowed them to save and invest the money that they earned. To say nothing about the free-marketplace of love that a feminist free society would allow.

We are like any other people. There are many in the black community that have the will and the skills to be free-market capitalists. Not many of us seek a government handout, enjoy getting jacked in order to pay taxes, or appreciate paying more for milk, bread, tobacco or gasoline.

And yet, the more vocal minority of "Something for Nothing" thrillseekers, as well as the economically clueless among us thinks that the hardcore Marxism that Mr. Obama represents is how things are supposed to be, and that is tragic. Black folks have been living in the shadow of socialistic government programs since the 1960's. Where has it gotten us?

Answer: Shitsville.

Some automatically label my Libertarian ideals as "Republican" because they have seen how the Democratic Party in the past, and the Republican Party (formerly known in the black community as the Party of Lincoln) in modern times, have treated blacks with contempt and outright racism.

And, since free-market capitalist ideas have become associated in the collective black consciousness with slavery and racism, many of us automatically reject them out of hand. Again, this is a big mistake.

Natural rights, social liberties, and economic freedom ARE NOT MUTALLY EXCLUSIVE. Our goal as Americans (of all stripes) should be to evolve to the point where our government is doing what it is supposed to be doing:

Upholding the political, social, and economic freedoms and responsibilities of all people without prejudice. Any attempt to separate the broad spectrum of freedom into piece parts, such as allowing policial freedom but banning certain forms of peaceful and non-coercive religious expression, or allowing economic freedom while instituting a policy of social apartheid, is DOOMED TO FAILURE.

And, as people everywhere will soon learn, giving up one's economic freedom, while still expecting full political freedom, is a foolish idea and a grave mistake that will be realized too late.

Ok, getting back to the impact of Mr. Obama's policies on Americans in general, how has anyone (besides the government's partners in crime) truly benefited from the increasing size and scope of the government? Are Americans as a whole ready to pay up to 70% of their income to the government??

Look, if the business model sucks, then no amount of government money, regulations, taxes, or demagoguery is going to make it better. Our current model is "Something for nothing," and look where that's gotten us. We need to take it back to the old school, and institute our traditional policy of sound money, economic liberty, restraining the government to its Constitutional chains, minimal taxes, and allowing market forces to set interest rates.

** Cough!! Abolish the Fed!! Cough!! **

Ahem. To sum it all up, we are on the edge of the Abyss, and we as a nation need to take a collective step back. Otherwise, men such as Mr. Obama will push us headlong over the cliff.

And it will be a very hard fall.


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