Monday, March 17, 2008

The Court Shot Heard Around the World!

Breaking news, courtesy of the Good Guys at Don't Get Married and Anti-Misandry:

The Court Shot Heard Around the MRA World

(Courts Takes Steps to Shuts Down Men’s Rights in Canada)
Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

Legislating form the bench has in a landmark case just shut down the BC Fathers Forum. Pierrette Bouchard, Isabel Boily, Marie-Claude Proulx, Her Majesty The Queen In The Right of Canada, and The Minister Responsible for the Status of Women Canada moved against Ken Wiebe and his supporters in the movement, which includes almost every serious MRA in the country of Canada. Following on the heels of attempts to shut down a conservative forum Free Dominion, which has now moved out of the country, and even a long established and respected newsmagazine MacLean’s, the PC forces backed by the courts have ruled from the legislating bench and made anti-feminism and other non-PC speech illegal.

Below are the positions in the decision, and commentary from Pitbull:


The lawyers or counsels representing the government and pro-feminist forces were D. A. Gooderham, S. Gaudet & R. J. Danay.


At least some of the items on the website can fairly be described as stridently anti-feminist. The plaintiff testified that he is not opposed to feminism as such, but is critical of what he calls the “more extreme” feminist view. However, not all of the material on the website makes that distinction. One article refers to “feminist myths and tricks.” A portion of that article refers to men who express agreement with feminists and says, “You’re far from the first man to sell out their own.”

Here they fail to mention the fact that this is part of a discussion forum, which is open to many views from many sides, yet only the extreme views are brought forth. Since it is now officially on the record that members of these Human Rights Commission (Richard Bruce Warman) have sign on to such sites and acted as supporters and threaded extreme and hateful speech themselves (as defined in this new expanding PC code) we could have the commission both inflaming passions and then using the same passion as a reason to shut down the forum down. If pro-feminist forces can record threads that violate their own made code then they can shut down any forum they want by signing on recording their code violation and then bring the courts and commission down on any political opponents of their agenda by referencing their own threads as proof...

Please visit Anti-Misandry to read the rest of the commentary regarding this outrageous, if not totally unexpected, decision. The forces of Tyranny are moving.

My thoughts:

A: The Men's Rights Movement has made the Big Time, in more ways than one.

It would seem that the government of Canada (and by extension, governments throughout the Western world) are at least marginally aware of our existence.

This will bring exposure and free publicity to the movement if governments decide to place us on "hate watch" lists and the like. Although the publicity will be of the negative variety, it should come as no surprise to seasoned MRAs.

We're used to being demonized, misrepresented, and portrayed as hate mongers and extremists. Nothing to see here folks!

So when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! We can use any elevated government campaigns to attract those who are interested in finding out the truth for themselves, thereby gaining new recruits. We can convert would be opponents into allies by doing what we've always done: countering hyperemotional and blatantly false feminist propaganda with truth, facts, figures, and research.

The Truth is on our side gentlemen, and no weapon formed against us will prosper.

The totalitarian repression of speech goes hand in hand with an oppressive socialist/communist/facist economic and political regime. And looking at modern history, such regimes don't last very long. Those in government and industry who attempt to violate the Natural Rights of its people automatically sow the seeds of its own demise. Governments can do their worst in the attempt to stifle political dissent, but they ultimately fail. By their obviously unfair and criminal actions, rogue governments de-legitimize themselves, and are replaced ultimately with those that respect and uphold the Natural Rights and Liberties that are inherent in all people.

One would hope that Canada and other nations would stop, open up a history book, read it, and learn something, but... I won't hold my breath.

B: The Men's Rights Movement is an extension of the greater freedom movement. It's time has come, and cannot be silenced.

Even if the Matriarchal governments of the world decided to shut down every existing MRA site within their jurisdictions, the ideals of the Men's Rights Movement would simply go underground.

(Niccolo Machiavelli)

As the great political scientist Machiavelli tells us:

Whoever becomes the master of a city accustomed to freedom, and does not destroy it, may expect to be destroyed himself; because, when there is a rebellion, such a city justifies itself by calling on the name of liberty and its ancient institutions, never forgotten despite the passage of time and the benefits received from the new ruler (Machiavelli, The Prince, p. 18).

The author also writes: republics there is more life, more hatred, a greater desire for revenge, the memory of their ancient liberty does not and cannot let them rest (p 19)....

We as Men know what are ancient rights were, and how they were illegally taken away.

We are fully aware of our Natural Rights as Men and children of God.

We know that we are the Sovereign Masters of our government, and that the State is nothing more than an Agent working on our behalf.

We are AWAKE.

And there is nothing, or no-one, not even Hitlary Rodham herself, that can end this movement. Feminists and Bureaucrats, take note.

The message will spread, regardless.

The Immortal Angry Harry has given us a very workable plan of action in the event that MRA sites are shut down en mass:

You will simply make matters far worse for you and your feminist cronies should you try to interfere with men's websites.

Indeed, if angryharry was ever taken down for being too outspoken or aggressive, or something like that, then I would most definitely manage to summon the effort required to attempt to make matters much, much worse for feminists and for those heinous politicians who would undoubtedly be behind such a thing.

Indeed, there are all types of mischief that I would probably get up to...

... There are many men's activists - increasing in number all the time - who are extremely motivated to destroy the hateful ideology of feminism. Indeed, some of them are still full of anger over personal events that happened to them well over a decade ago!

Yes. It's true!

In fact, there are now loads of committed men's activists from all over the world who have been around for absolutely ages!

They work without reward or pay. Their status and their career prospects do not go up. In fact, they probably go down.

But they are still here!

And they are very clearly not going to go away!

Indeed, the internet is now uniting them, and creating more of them.

And in whatever area their activism is suppressed, they will simply pop up elsewhere.

And wherever they go, their activities will continue to be most detrimental to feminists.

And in the end, they will win.

And they will win because feminism is a thoroughly hateful ideology that is causing tremendous harm to western society, and because more and more people are finally beginning to wake up to this fact.

Truer words have never been spoken.

And for the readers of Men's Rights related content, I would advise you to freely copy the writings of your favorite sites and blogs, archive them, and present them to as many people as possible. In this way, the Men's Rights message isn't confined to a few obscure websites; but it goes viral, and out of the reach of Matriarchal feminist censors.


Let me say something else.

The fact of the matter is, Dear Feminist, is that the only way you can shut ME up is to come and get me. And if you lock me up for speaking the truth, so be it. I will do nothing but CONTINUE to spread the word in prison. If you murder me for speaking the truth, then you will create a martyr.

(Some of my ancestors)


It's really as simple as that. There is nothing you can do to stop the Men's Rights Movement. No one is scared of you. Resistance is futile.

C: Feminists and their sympathizers who seek to stifle dissent and activism shouldn't get too cocky.

The reasons for this are twofold. First, feminism is an ideology based on lies, falsehood and deception, and is doomed to failure. Feminism is a morally bankrupt idea that rests upon a foundation of sand. It cannot and will not survive the unrelenting criticism of billions of souls around the world.

Secondly, Socialist/Marxist feminism, as well as Fascism and its related philosophies are widely despised, even by those in politics and government.

Your author is a public servant. And I also know MANY in the legal profession, the business community, academia, and law enforcement who also hate feminism and the totalitarian philosophy that gives it life. Many educated and influential persons agree with the general outline of abuses chronicled in such books as Taken into Custody. And happily, Taken into Custody and similar works are enlightening people everywhere.

Many are aware of the truth about wedge issues such as Domestic Violence and the Divorce Industry.

I can assure you, Dear Reader, that many in prominent positions of influence KNOW the truth about feminism; it's just a question of how far are they willing to go in order to buck the system. People can only see so much injustice before they break their silence and SPEAK OUT like I have.

As a matter of fact, I know that LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) and Investigative Agents who would monitor sites such as mine suffer the most from unfair divorce laws, child support judgments, and domestic violence accusations. These men grimly go about doing their jobs, suffering in silence.

They strive to uphold justice, law and order everyday, and yet that very same legal system tramples upon their rights as Men everyday. Many have minimal contact with their children, and yet have to pay massive amounts of money to ex-wives, who then proceed to make their lives a living hell. And, being an LEO, there isn't much they can do to change the system, lest they find themselves demoted, transferred, or blacklisted from any possible promotions or coveted assignments.

Oh yes, many of them are angry. When do these honest and conflicted LEOs reach their Breaking Point?

There are many good, patriotic, and loyal government employees
who take their duty to serve and protect the public very seriously. And, once they are enlightened to the fact that it is government rules and policies themselves that are contributing to the massive amounts of crime and disorder that they see everyday, when they understand that it is injustice and lies that drives people like me to spend their precious time blogging about issues like these, and when they realize that the government itself is violating the Law of the Land (i.e. the Constitution) that these men have sworn to uphold, these foot soldiers for the Matriarchy become our greatest allies, friends, and protectors.

Feminists and powermongers, take note. You can only push people around so far.

The truth is on our side. And, once the People learn the facts, they quickly join our team. And as Machiavelli said, a free people NEVER forget their ancient liberties, no matter how corrupted by fiat money, government handouts, and decayed morals.

So in closing...




. said...


I'm not 100% that all of this has been made illegal.

This was based on a lawsuit in which the fellow was trying to sue that fat cow, Pierrette Bouchard (who's study in question was funded by the Canadian Gov't no less) for libel, or slander or something.

I live in BC and this is totally non-existant in the news - lol, not that they would report it anyways.

I do know that over 50% of our Members of Parliament currently do support enacting legislation "protecting" women from horrible blogs such as mine.

The only thing that prevents women from being "protected" by hate speach laws is that our currently ruling minority government refuses to introduce such a law before the House, effectively tying everyone else's hands.

I wonder if I am currently breaking the law?

It matters not, though.

I believe the same as you.

Throw me in the clink then!

I have no desire to be free from a criminal record in a country that does not protect even the right of free speech.

My income does not depend on my (lack of) a criminal record. And I am no poof tart. I can take care of myself in nasty situations.

Oh No! Said Br'er Rabbit, Don't Throw Me In THERE!

No indeed, don't plunk my sorry ass amongst the multitudes of angry, but ill informed "dead beat dads," and those men that were ejected from the homes they paid for by virtue of corrupt TRO orders and the like.

Yes indeed. My audience on the web is pretty minimal. Around 3-400 semi committed individuals per day.

Imagine the havock when you plunk a shit disturber like me amongst several hundreds of men that are REALLY motivated to hate the State, and are REALLY succeptible to my message!

Do they have solitary confinement in minimum security facilities? That is the only way they will shut my mouth. Even then, I've got big lungs, and I imagine echoing halls.

Take me to court and see how vicious I will become.

I'm not going to stop talking until they do.

Stupid Canuckistan!

Long live men!

. said...

Yes indeed,

The minimum security hoosegow!

It grows more warming the more that I think about it!


Three hots and a cot!

And whether I put in effort or not, it's still three hots and a cot at the end of the day!

Pretty cheap, I imagine, compared to what I pay for a crap ass apartment today, adding on the utilities that are skyrocketing.

You sucked at your work today? Well, here's three meals and a place to sleep - rent free! (while your investments grow!)

Why should everyone else get a free ride except ME?


I can envision some dirt cheap living in the future!

Finally, I can get social services equal to those eternally pregnant mammals that once resembled women!

Perhaps, equality is arriving for the likes of men like me!



It's all about ME!

Kirigakure said...


I hear you Rob. Glad to see you back in the Blog game, btw.

Hopefully legislation such as the one you speak of never becomes law but... these days, you never know.

Those of us in the movement need to "Man Up" and mentally prepare for the persecution that may befall us.

Viva the revolution!!

Anonymous said...

Secondly, Socialist/Marxist feminism, as well as Fascism and its related philosophies are widely despised, even by those in politics and government. "

The USSA is already a socialist state. Our government decided that by 2012, we shouldn't be allowed to sell( and therefore buy) incandescent light bulbs for crying out loud! This country is just a matter of degrees different from our neighbors in the People's Republic of Canada. The Democratic Party is simply a socialist party. The Republics are no better. They just waste our money on other things.

Anonymous said...

I think the time is ripe for a showdown.
Always remember that when the going gets rough the rough get going.

You are right, Toku: BRING IT ON NOW!!!


Kirigakure said...

"The USSA is already a socialist state."

Damn right it is.

One of these days (as comparitive economics is one of my favorite areas of study), I'm going to do a post on Socialism and socialist planning. The point being that one group or central committee attempting to plan everything is inefficient and just plain dumb!

Just look at what the Central Planning of the economy (by the Fe d, Bureaucracy, and Fiscal policy) is about to do to this nations economy: Destroy it.

You would think that socialists (Neo-Platonists) would have gotten the message with the implosion of the Eastern Block and the rise of the Chinese "Market Socialist" economy...

G M said...


Actually, I am starting to see encouraging news from the frontlines as we are slowly starting to seep into mainstream multimedia.

Check out this media-saavy "MRA"-type, Marc Rudov. He has a real humorous, in-your-face approach that works really well on TV. And especially against mouthy, trash-talking bimbos.

I think we are reaching the 100th monkey and slowly causing a mass consciousness shift. Of course, now is NOT the time to slack off - but BUILD on this momentum and KICK the door wide open! Feminism has time and money on their side - but we have TRUTH and reality.

After all, young men ARE one of the most lucrative demographics. So, marketers BETTER start catering to and stop pissing on us if they want our business! VOTE WITH YOUR WALLETS & VIEWING HABITS, FOLKS! And don't be afraid to write-in to complain against or congratulate coverage.