Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The United States of Obesity!

Greetings Dear Readers!!

I maintain that feminism is a symptom of a larger sickness.

However, this evil philosophy isn't the only indicator of an unwell society. I came across the following report entitled, "F as in Fat", and I would urge you to take a look at it when you have time.

Some of the text from the report reads:

Nearly two-thirds of American adults are either overweight or obese.1

Adult obesity rates have grown from 15 percent in 1980 to 32 percent

With two thirds of the populace certified as lard-asses, our country is headed for a very sickly and over-medicated future.

Americans are so large, according to the Scotsman, that even our fighting ability is beginning to be called into question:

AN EPIDEMIC of obesity could have serious consequences for America's economy and its ability to defend itself, according to a leading politician.

Self-confessed "recovering foodaholic" Mike Huckabee, a Republican Party presidential candidate, told a group of governors from the American South that the increasing numbers of people who were either over-weight or obese meant more and more people were having to take time off work for health reasons.

And Mr Huckabee, who lost 110lb - nearly 8st - several years ago when he was governor of Arkansas, said he was concerned by reports that nearly two-thirds of American military personnel were overweight.

He questioned whether the nation's increasingly obese population would be able to defend itself "if we don't have enough people who are healthy enough to show up and pick up a backpack?"

The Southern Governors' Association convention heard that obesity was creating the first generation of Americans who might not live as long as their parents. Dr William Rowley, who was a vascular surgeon for 30 years and now works at the Institute for Alternative Futures, said 61 per cent of US active-duty military personnel are overweight.

However, it looks like we aren't alone in this regard, as the Germans seem to be having the same battle of the bulge. It's becoming apparent that we in the West absolutely enjoy the sin of GLUTTONY, and more and more of us are going to pay the price in the end.

It turns out that our fighting men aren't the only ones packing on the poundage...

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(A famous American Woman that shall remain nameless)

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(This woman is an Italian TV personality.)

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(Yeah you like that don't ya fellas??)

... because, as any man on the street can tell you, the average American woman is becoming quite the little porker!

According to the American Obesity Association:

The prevalence of overweight is higher for men (67 percent) than women (62 percent).

The prevalence of obesity is higher for women (34 percent) than men (27.7 percent) as is severe obesity; women (6.3 percent) and men (3.1 percent).

Some would argue that a "woman's touch" would go a long way to resolving the obesity problem. Unfortunately, it would seem that women, who have, by judicial fiat and Congressional act, the final say in all aspects of their personal and professional lives, even to the exclusion of the rights and interests of Men and children [aa][bb], have failed miserably to take control of their health, and they have failed especially in their most sacred and basic duty:

The care and feeding of their children [1][2].

As a matter of fact, some studies have given today's career obsessed, non parenting supermom a "F for Failure [A]":

Study blames working moms for obese kids

August 30, 2007 Edition 1

Middle class mothers who work long hours increase the risk of their offspring being overweight or obese, according to a study.

New research turns perceived wisdom on its head with the claim that higher-paid working mothers bear much of the responsibility for Britain's ticking obesity time bomb, and not the poorer working class families who are usually blamed.

The risk of childhood obesity soars in direct correlation with family income.

Children in higher income families are more likely to be overweight or obese than youngsters from families with the lowest incomes. And in higher income households, the longer a mother worked each week, the greater the risk of the child being overweight.

"Long hours of maternal employment, rather than lack of money, may impede young children's access to healthy foods and physical activity," say the researchers from the Institute of Child Health at University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital, writing in the International Journal of Obesity this month.

Compounding the misery for working mothers, the study found that children's weight problems got worse if mothers relied on a nanny to hold the fort. Children in childcare are 24% more likely to be overweight or obese than children cared for by their mother or her partner...

My my. Yet another reason why the smart man doesn't marry feminist career women!

On top of this, an ever-expanding amount out anti-depressant use makes it pretty clear that the "fairer sex" is suffering horribly from our societal malaise, which has been brought about by the feminist hate movement they so willingly embraced.

Nope, it doesn't look like more feminism, more single mothers, or more women's ways of knowing is going to stop our prodigious waistlines from increasing still further.

Talk about the irony.

I should now move to the main point of this incredibly boring sermon.

The man that has embarked on the MGTOW journey owes it to himself and those under his care to make sure his body, mind, and spirit are in good health, and are properly balanced, no matter how insane the mainstream becomes.

The woman that a MGTOW man chooses to share his tent must either...

1) Get with the program

2) Or get the hell out of the way!

As the Wise Machiavelli tells us, a true Prince must:

"...never let his thoughts stray from military exercises, which he must pursue more vigorously in peace than in war. These exercises can be both physical and mental. As for the first, besides keeping his men well organized and trained, he must always be out hunting, so accustoming his body to hardships...

...As for intellectual training, the prince must read history, studying the actions of eminent men to see how they conducted themselves during war and to discover the reasons for their victories or their defeats, so that he can avoid the latter and can do what eminent men have done before him (The Prince, pp. 48-49)..."

Let these words sink in, and understand how they can apply to our present day situation. Martial Arts, weightlifting, swimming, hiking, mountain climbing... whatever it is that you need to do, get out there and do it!

More importantly, read the classics, study the great men of times past and present, and question, question, question all that you see and hear. The time of moving through life on Autopilot is over.

So then, like feminism, obesity is but a symptom of a larger sickness, as most everyone can see. So what then, is the root cause?

Feminism, and all the powers behind it being an obvious answer, I would like to propose that another key cause of our cultural sickness stems, in large part, from a critical absence of Thumos, that spirit of manliness that comes from, and gives rise to the notions of honor, competition, conquest, risk-taking, justice, and a never-say-die attitude.

A manly spirit of justice can help to reverse the epidemic spread of feminism; ditto to our present political, religious, and social decay.

People would take better care of themselves, and would be shamed to be as willfully corpulent as they are now. Women, freed from the irrational and insane philosophy of feminism, would be able to fulfill their roles as custodians of hearth, home, and of course, the dinner table. While not every woman seeks this role, many of them do. Without the "crabs in a bucket" mentality of feminism seeking to drag them into a bottomless pit of misery, victimization, and self-hatred, many women would be able to regain their equilibrium, exercise their freedom of choice, and resume their traditional duties without molestation or condemnation. Only men and women with the spirit of Manliness can hope to challenge, stand their ground, and conquer the evils that beset us as a people.

Furthermore, a culture that has athleticism, martial values, vigor, and the self discipline to insist on something homecooked that is healthful, rather than visiting the drive through of a McDonalds every night are those that have a goodly level of Thumos flowing through its institutional veins.

Barbarians are pounding at our gates, and we as a society fret about what to do about it. All the while, poor and vilified manliness sits in the corner, waiting for the proper time to make a comeback.

I can only hope that Coach will put Thumos back into the game before we run out of time!!

So in conclusion:

Right, wrong, or indifferent, these are crazy and insane times in which we live, and it takes time for the universe to sort things out and re-establish balance.

In the meantime, I would humbly encourage my fellow men who are reading this, to cultivate a sense of Thumos in your own lives. And if other people around you wish to continue on their journey to illness and disease, so be it.

Make it so that a sense of manliness and justice, developed and honed by intense physical, mental, and spiritual training, dwells deep inside your heart. And then, keep that flame burning brightly, no matter how dark and hollow the souls of others may become.

Nothing is more Manly than that.

Seize the day!



Keoni Galt said...

Great post Kumo...however, there is one aspect to this issue that you didn't really cover: eating natural, wholesome, healthy foods.

The rise of the single mother household, the career women having kids and the spread of fast food and convenience food are no coincidence.

Now, as much of a free market capitalist advocate as I am, I still see something very wrong with the current food supply of America.

We have refined sugars, unhealthy oils and soy products in just about ANYTHING that comes processed, packaged and shipped...and that is what all of these fat cows all have in common.

Kirigakure said...

Exactly right.

I agree that our companies have absolutely flooded our nation with the worst crap man can think of. Although, we are beginning to see mainstream demand for healthy foods, and local governments and some businesses are following suit.

Ultimately, it's up to every individual, you and me, to decide what we are going to put into our bodies. As you say, without Mommy looking out for the best health of her child, it seems that the fast food companies and such are winning the battle, and everyone else, especially the children, are loosing the war.

Gluttony is a deadly sin for a reason...